Hello; this is one of those things that is universal to computers and technology. ever since the heartache and pain i caused myself by upgrading to internet explorer 5.0 on my old windows xp machine I've had the additude of I'm not going to upgrade to new versions until they have been out a while. even without the complaints of members on the mac visionaireis list i held off on safari 5 and am still hesitant about moving up to snow lepard. my life is complicated enough without my old friends deciding they don't want to play any more. thanks and good luck, max
On Jul 16, 2010, at 5:43 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

Hmmmm think I will wait until 4.1
On 16 Jul 2010, at 10:59, Bryan Smart wrote:

Well, 4.01 came out, and I tried to install it. Half way through, iTunes gave me error 3004 (what-ever that is), and stopped. Now, the iPhone won't talk, won't reboot (black screen), and, when I attach it to the Mac, and iTunes starts, iTunes says that it is unable to connect to the iPhone software update server. I'm obviously online, since I'm sending this message from the same computer where I was trying to update. Looked online, and some other people are having this problem, too, with no solution. Been trying to re-update for about 3 hours now, but no luck. Doesn't look like there is any way to back out the update, or reset the phone and restore from a backup, since I get this error every time I attach the iPhone. Looks like my phone has been successfully bricked.

Maybe Apple tech support will have a suggestion tomorrow, but, since it appears that the phone isn't actually turning on anymore, I'm not sure what they'll have me do. Take out the battery and put it back in? That will be a trick.

I'm out of town on business. It was a stupid stupid thing to do to let anything of mine be updated while I'm out of town. I suspect I'll be wasting expensive time tomorrow tracking down an Apple store, instead of working.

This sort of stuff is what we supposedly pay more to avoid with Apple products. Extremely disappointed.


-----Original Message-----
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 6:44 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: iPhone signal loss

The feedback from the software update will be interesting to say the least. People will appear to be getting less signal all the time, regardless of if they are left handed or not. The issue of signal los will still be present, but since everyone will appear to be getting less signal all the time, it won't be as noticeable.

On 15/07/2010, Carolyn <ch...@q.com> wrote:
Now if only someone could get at&t's attention.  I drop more calls
than I do pounds on a diet! Ok, so my diet has been afailure lately,
but so has at&t in my book.

----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Blouch
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: iPhone signal loss

I guess we'll find out at their press conference tomorrow at 10AM
pacific time. Maybe the lawsuit caught their attention.




Sarah Alawami wrote:
I don't nitice any problems with the left handedness of using the
phone. I get great signel over all right handed or left handed, in or
out of the case and this isn with the new phone.

On Jul 13, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Simon F wrote:

Yeah apple have done great things, that's why they don't appear to
be correcting The issue with the loss of signal on the iPhone 4, when
it's is held in a left hand and the signal is lost.

When they fix this issue, they'll sell a lot more.
-----Original Message-----
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4:15 p.m.
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

Maybe an RFID reader will come in the next iPhone or some other
idevice. I think it is just amazing what Apple has done with these
devices thus far. I personally would like to see some sort of haptic
feedback so we can get a tactual sense of icons and controls. I know Apple is working on this. Patents have been filed by Apple regarding methods for haptic feedback.


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-07-12, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell <scottn3...@gmail.com> wrote:

  Doug, I think this was something APple had explored and may
eventually do. Apple has all sorts of ideas floating about. :) On Jul 12, 2010, at
    2:18 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
No RFID reader in iPhone 4 as far as I can tell. My knowledge is limited on this subject as well. It may depend on the scanner being used.

Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-07-12, at 6:44 AM, Scott Howell <scottn3...@gmail.com> wrote:

      Hey Doug,

We are probably straying a bit off topic for the list, but to answer
        your question, I really do not know. It may be for capturing
information about a specific product, you would have to get pretty
close. The distances you refer too is more useful for warehouses,
dockyards, and such. I am not sure if the ability to read is based on
the scanner or the RFID tag itself.
So, I think you can pretty much figure my knowledge is quite limited,
other than what I read. I do not know when Apple might put these
readers in the phone, but I thought it was to be included in version
4, but that I believe did not happen yet.
  On Jul 11, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

        That's interesting, RFID would be much better for
identifying products
          because you would not have to point a device at the
product in question to identify it. Just get a reader in the general
direztion of the of the product and we should be able to identify it. As I understand it, the range of RFID is quite large, something in the range of 30 feet. How do we determine a product when we have a number
of products in one area, a covert full of cans and bottles, each
presenting a signal that has a 30 foot radius?

Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-07-11, at 9:33 PM, Scott Howell <scottn3...@gmail.com> wrote:


I do not know how many products have them now, but I suspect more than
            we know. For example, I recently learned that the
recycle bins our county provides us has a RFID chip imbedded in them. Apparently the data collected from the chips let's the county know how often we put the bins out. RFID chips are being used more now because of the speed and ability to collect data on products being shipped and
received, etc.
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