Hi Isra,

I kinda had it easy.  My PC is still running, so I've just left it set up for 
those times when I need Windows.  I agree with you, I was afraid that if I put 
Windows on my Mac, I would run the risk of getting any windows junk on my nice 
clean Mac.  Don't know if this is something we really need to worry about, but 
that was my thinking.
On Mar 16, 2010, at 10:30 AM, Israel wrote:

> Hi Donna
> I've not played with Facebook on a PC since June 2009.  When I switched to 
> the Mac I wanted to make a clean break from Windows so when given the option 
> I declined to have a part of my Mac set up with Windows as many people do.  
> My reasoning was I wanted to completely leave the trojen horses and viruses 
> which almost wiped out my decades worth of screenplays, theatre pieces, 
> stories behind.  Although, now I read the listeres here and I wonder if I 
> should have done as so many do.  Is it too late to put Windows on my Mac?  
> Although I don't miss the headaches of worrying about updating my virus 
> protection, I kind of do miss some aspects of windows.  
> Sexy Isra
> Israel Antonio
> www.sexyisra.blogspot.com
> www.twitter.com/sexyisra
> On Mar 16, 2010, at 8:48 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Israel,
>> Not sure how long it's been since you have done this on the PC, but it may 
>> have improved.  I use JAWS, so can't say for sure about Window Eyes, but I 
>> have no problem updating my profile or chatting.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Mar 16, 2010, at 9:32 AM, Israel wrote:
>>> I agree with Donna.  The time I logged on to Facebook when I had my PC, I 
>>> could always update status and/or post on friends' walls with ease.  At the 
>>> time I used Window-Eyes screen reader and it was easy to use FB main page 
>>> to update status.  Now, there were  other aspects of FB such as chat, 
>>> applications, and even the share function I could never figure out.  I had 
>>> a difficult time changing my profile info too.  I always had to get sighted 
>>> help and they said they noticed, the screen reader would even speak labels, 
>>> links, or items that weren't even on the page.  One friend said "I can see 
>>> the screen while listening to the speech and I'm confused.  How do you deal 
>>> with this?"
>>> Outside of the updating status or writing on walls, I have found that when 
>>> using my iMac and Voiceover, the main FB site seems "clearer" and not as 
>>> confusing as when using Window-Eyes.  I also find I have access to many 
>>> more things on FB now that I use VO and my Mac.  Even posting comments to 
>>> my friends' updates was a major confusing chore on the PC but with Mac, my 
>>> only early struggles came when adjusting to this new concept of when to 
>>> interact and when not.  In fact, in general, when using my PC, I could 
>>> NEVER access any online forms on any site successfully.  Maybe it was just 
>>> my inability to grasp how to do it but with VO, I find that I am able to 
>>> fill out forms and register for events, races, gatherings much easier.  
>>> In situations like this, I wish I was more tech savvy or knowledgeable 
>>> about computers, applications, and other aspects to provide better insight. 
>>> Sexy Isra
>>> Israel Antonio
>>> www.sexyisra.blogspot.com
>>> www.twitter.com/sexyisra
>>> On Mar 16, 2010, at 8:00 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>>> You can update status very easily at the full site when in Windows.  Also, 
>>>> if our sited counterparts can use the full site, then clearly there is an 
>>>> issue related to VO.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Donna
>>>> On Mar 16, 2010, at 2:14 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>>>>> I use bboth the lyte and the m.facebook access and I can't say I've seen
>>>>> the apps on it from within windows / IE or firefox either, so I don't see
>>>>> how it can be something apple have to work on.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of E.J. Zufelt
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, 16 March 2010 1:49 a.m.
>>>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>> Subject: Re: using facebook with safari
>>>>> On 2010-03-15, at 8:49 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> The problem with this is that the lite site, like the mobile site, won't
>>>>> let you interface with the apps.  Personally, I really think this is
>>>>> something Apple needs to work on.
>>>>> * I think that if Facebook followed web standards, including WCAG 2.0, 
>>>>> then
>>>>> the site would work fine. I don't think that there's anything that Apple
>>>>> needs to work on, at least not until Facebook commits to web standards.
>>>>> Everett
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