Thank you!

> On Aug 19, 2020, at 11:55 AM, Loy Green <> wrote:
> Here is the Postal regulations for shipping Free Matter.
> Publication 347
> October 2015
> Consumer and Industry Affairs, U.S. Postal Service®, has produced this 
> pamphlet. The pamphlet answers the questions asked most often about mailing 
> free matter domestically for the blind and other eligible persons with 
> impairments. The information in this pamphlet is based on the 39 United 
> States Code sections 3403-3405, as implemented by 703.5.0 of the Mailing 
> Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®).
> Q: Who is eligible to mail items free of postage due to a physical impairment?
> A: Persons who are blind or who cannot read or use conventionally printed 
> matter due to a physical impairment (referred to throughout this brochure as 
> “eligible persons”), as follows:
> 1.. Certified participants in the Library of Congress National Library 
> Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
> 2.. Blind persons that fit one of the following criteria:
>   1.. Visual acuity, as determined by competent authority, is 20/200 or less 
> in the better eye with correcting lenses, or
>   2.. Widest diameter of visual field subtends angular distance no greater 
> than 20 degrees.
> 3.. Other persons with physical impairments certified by a competent 
> authority as meeting one or more of the following conditions:
>   1.. Having a visual disability, with correction and regardless of optical 
> measurement, that prevents the reading of standard printed material.
>   2.. Being unable to read or to use standard printed material because of 
> physical limitations.
>   3.. Having a reading disability resulting from organic dysfunction that is 
> severe enough to prevent their reading printed material in a normal manner.
>   4.. Meeting the requirements of eligibility resulting from a degenerative, 
> variable disease that renders them unable to read or use conventional printed 
> material because of impaired eyesight or other physical factors. These 
> persons are eligible during the time in which they are certified by a 
> competent authority as unable to read or use conventional materials.
> 4.. Persons must be:
>   1.. Residents of the United States, including its territories, insular 
> possessions, and the District of Columbia, or
>   2.. American citizens domiciled abroad.
> Q: I fit in one of those categories. What must I do to qualify to mail items 
> free of postage?
> A: You may have a competent authority certify in writing that you are unable 
> to read conventional reading matter.
> a.. A competent authority includes doctors of medicine; doctors of 
> osteopathy; ophthalmologists; optometrists; registered nurses; therapists; 
> and professional staff of hospitals, institutions, and public or private 
> welfare agencies (e.g., social workers, caseworkers, counselors, 
> rehabilitation teachers, and superintendents).
> b.. In the absence of any of these, certification may be made by professional 
> librarians or by any person whose competence under specific circumstances is 
> acceptable to the Library of Congress (see 36 CFR 701.10(b)(2)(i)). In the 
> case of a reading disability from organic dysfunction, “competent authority” 
> is defined as doctors of medicine and doctors of osteopathy.
> A postmaster may extend the free matter privilege to you based on his or her 
> personal knowledge of your eligibility. Persons who are not considered to be 
> blind or unable to read or use conventionally printed material who want to 
> use the free matter privilege for mailing must provide evidence of 
> eligibility, or verify by other means, that the intended recipient of the 
> mail matter is eligible to receive free matter.
> Q: Where must I submit the evidence of eligibility?
> A: You must submit the evidence of eligibility to the Post Office™ where you 
> will make or receive postage-free mailings. Upon verification, you will then 
> be considered eligible to use the free mailing privilege.
> Q: What can I, as an eligible person, mail free of postage?
> A: An eligible person may mail the following free of postage:
> 1.. Unsealed letters that contain no advertising. The letters must be printed 
> in raised characters (Braille), in 14-point or larger sight-saving type, or 
> be in the form of sound recordings.
> 2.. Any of the eligible matter for the use of eligible persons, as described 
> in the next question.
> You cannot mail free of postage handwritten, printed, or typed letters that 
> are in a type size smaller than 14-point. These letters are subject to the 
> applicable rate. Other items not eligible for free postage include the 
> following:
> a.. Bills paid by an eligible person, and
> a.. Letters in any form from sighted individuals to eligible persons.
> Q: What matter may I, a non-eligible person, send free of postage for the use 
> of eligible persons?
> A: Under the conditions specified below, the following matter is eligible:
> 1.. Reading matter in Braille or 14-point or larger sight-saving type, 
> musical scores, and sound reproductions.
> 2.. Paper, records, tapes, and other matter for the production of reading 
> matter, musical scores, or sound reproductions.
> 3.. Equipment and parts for equipment, such as Braille writers, used for 
> writing by eligible persons or for educational purposes.
> 4.. Sound playback equipment, reproducers, and parts for sound reproductions 
> specially designed or adapted for the use of persons with visual impairments.
> 5.. Equipment or parts for equipment specifically designed or adapted for use 
> by persons with visual impairments, such as Braille watches, white canes, and 
> similar equipment.
> Q: Are there restrictions on this matter?
> A: The following restrictions apply to this matter:
> a.. May not contain any advertising.
> b.. Must be sent either free of charge or at a charge, rental, subscription, 
> or other fee that does not exceed the item’s cost.
> c.. Must be open to inspection by the Postal Service™ and have a complete 
> return address.
> d.. Must meet all other generally applicable mailing requirements.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ibraheem Fakir" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 11:42 AM
> Subject: Off Topic Free Matter for the Blind Shipping
> Hey there,
> Anyone use free matter for the blind shipping and have any guidelines on how 
> to use it? I tried using it the other day at the post office to send braille 
> books to a student, but the post office seemed like they had no idea what to 
> do and referred me to go to a library to ship my package. Realizing how 
> unaware they were, I decided not to push on and to cross check with others to 
> make sure I’m doing this right. Do I need any special card or something in 
> order to use the service? I simply wrote free matter for the blind on the box.
> The post office seemed to have an issue with me being an individual sending 
> the package. They said that only libraries can use the service. ON the 
> contrary,   my research seems to show that anyone who is sending materials to 
> eligible patrons can use the service. They weren’t trying to hear that LOL. 
> Sometimes when advocating for your rights and the rights of others is 
> exhausting…
> All best,
> Ibraheem
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