Hi Pete,
On 14 Feb 2010, at 05:20, Pete Nalda wrote:
> ...it's the developers duty to program within the Cocoa framework so that 
> everything becomes accessible by VO *and* Zoom...

I thought that all the developers had to program in CoCo now as Mac OS X is 
100% CoCo.

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> I don't think it's going too far off topic, maybe a little since I'm speaking 
> of Zoom, but we're still talking about word processors.  While I agree that 
> Apple should take steps to make zoom work properly with pages, I think other 
> with other programs, it's the developers duty to program within the Cocoa 
> framework so that everything becomes accessible by VO *and* Zoom Users.  I 
> also agree that having both Zoom and VO working together is *Very* 
> competitive to a Zootext/screenreader package on windows. Apple has done a 
> great deal to make Zoom one of the best full screen magnifiers available, and 
> as I sit here typing this email effortlessly with zoom, I think about all the 
> other productivity I get done on my machine and am grateful for that.  We get 
> access, and the luxury of using probably the Best UI in the world (ok I know 
> I sound like a fanboy here, but I just never had much *fun* with windows or 
> linux).  That said, here's to hoping for further advances, and yes I'll 
> surely do my part whenever possible.
> On Feb 13, 2010, at 6:21 PM, Mueller, Matt wrote:
>> I've experienced the same issue in Pages and in Bean as well, though I have 
>> used both with VO successfully. Sadly, many such issues exist in zoom, most 
>> of them very basic to its use.  Although I've reported these, I've seen no 
>> change in its performance since Tiger.  To my thinking, the Zoom/VoiceOver 
>> combination has great potential for the ZoomText and MAGic audiences, but 
>> the commitment isn't there.  I would urge you and any others who have an 
>> interest in seeing that potential realized to report issues and make sure 
>> Apple gets the message.  I'll get off of this soapbox now and refrain from 
>> pulling this thread way OT.
>> On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:31 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>>> Will do!  I'll be curious to see how that works with VO as well, as I use a 
>>> combination of both at a lot of times.  Thanks for the tip!
>>> On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:13 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
>>>> You can also check out a free word processor called Bean. Its allot more 
>>>> than simple.
>>>> On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:33 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>>>>> This isn't really VO related, but, is accessibility related, but not too 
>>>>> long ago, I was in the Apple store and was trying out Pages on a machine 
>>>>> there, using Zoom, and much to my disappointment, didn't allow for cursor 
>>>>> tracking with Zoom.  I thought, well, so much for advanced word 
>>>>> processing or desktop publishing, If I wanted that I'd have to migrate 
>>>>> back to Windows, Word, and ZoomText, or just do simple word processing 
>>>>> with Textedit.
>>>>> On Feb 13, 2010, at 10:17 AM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
>>>>>> I feel this is a great idea. It is time for us to speak out as a whole 
>>>>>> on the I Work accessibility issues especially with the I Pad having I 
>>>>>> Work support.
>>>>>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 7:26 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>>>>>> And I would point out that any concerns should be directed to Apple. 
>>>>>>> THe more folks have to say about these issues, the more likely they get 
>>>>>>> addressed sooner than later. I have been sending feedback to 
>>>>>>> accessibil...@apple.com and via support as well. 
>>>>>>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 4:43 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> Both comments and styles work fine with vo and pages.  There are a few 
>>>>>>>> hang-ups however.
>>>>>>>> 1.  Vo can't see bullets or numbers in auto bulleted or numbered lists.
>>>>>>>> 2.  You can't use vo to read or do any operations on in-line objects: 
>>>>>>>> objects embedded in the document.  That being said however, you can 
>>>>>>>> read and use objects to a large degree if the are floating.  In the 
>>>>>>>> later case, they are in the lay-out area.  There ways to make an 
>>>>>>>> in-line object floating and there are indications that an object is 
>>>>>>>> present in a document because vo will say "hi-lited" hen you move the 
>>>>>>>> insertion point of it.
>>>>>>>> 3.  Templates seem totally unusable to me.  Someone else might have a 
>>>>>>>> better handle on that but there seems to be things like text boxes 
>>>>>>>> with in-line text boxes.  So it's not a nice situation for vo.
>>>>>>>> As it stands, I think that document creation using vo is very doable.  
>>>>>>>> Due to the problems I mentioned however, I think that collaborative 
>>>>>>>> writing projects, or any situation where you will have to read a 
>>>>>>>> document that someone else did using Word, will be problematic.
>>>>>>>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 1:21 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Listers,
>>>>>>>>> I am thinking of purchasing the latest version of I Work, but before 
>>>>>>>>> doing so is there enough VO support to justify the purchase? 
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
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>>>>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
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>>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
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> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
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> http://www.facebook.com/lpnalda
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