Hi Janina,
do you have a link to this study?
While growing up in Pittsburgh PA I personally experienced voting fraud.
In fact theres still a empty "ballot box" sitting in my "democratic  sister's 
garage at her house!
BTW they use to use paper ballots and put them into a metal box with handles on 
the sides and transport them to down town Pittsburgh to be counted after the 
poles closed.
The Rub is in pittsburgh which was a heavily "democrat" city some times the 
ballot box never made it down town if it was coming from a Republican district!
My Grand mother worked for a Democratic city commissioner and my mother worked 
a voting pole every election, in the south hills of Pittsburgh.
I could send you a picture of the box at my sisters garage but that wouldn't be 
of any benefit to the list! ;)
BTW I'm a independent just to set that straight!
So Scott is correct!
Talk soon

On Nov 8, 2016, at 2:50 PM, 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries wrote:

> Quick comment on dead people voting ...
> Tain't so. The simple fact is that nobody goes through voter rolls to
> remove names when someone dies. There's no such job in government. The
> simple fact that a dead person's name remains on a voter roll doesn't
> mean someone actually manages to vote by impersonating them.
> Yes, people have tried, and sometimes succeeded, but very rarely. The
> count is in the low hundreds out of over a billion votes (that's with a
> b as in boy) over multiple elections according to a recent study.
> Scott Granados writes:
>> Kawal, so much for trying to keep this apolitical.  That aside, the sad fact 
>> is there is a real case to be made for the election being fixed.
>> 1. There are over 24 million registered voters who shouldn’t be.  These are 
>> either people who are not citizens, people who are dead, people who are 
>> registered in more than one location and so forth.
>> Next, there have already been cases of people’s votes being misrecorded on 
>> file.  In Texas for example, there have been cases of trump votes being 
>> changed to Clinton votes by the software.
>>      Now to be fair and balanced, on the republican side, there have been 
>> cases made for voter suppression especially of the African American vote.
>> Some examples of presidents who were elected via fraud include John F. 
>> Kennedy and Lindon Johnson.  The corruption in Chicago famously assisted JFK 
>> in his election bid.  LBJ also benefited from fraud in Texas.  So, there’s 
>> an actual verifiable history of this in the country.  
>> We also have video tape of democratic operatives this year advising the 
>> Clinton folks how to circumvent the voter registration system and how to bus 
>> people in to areas with out being detected.
>> Now, all that being said there’s some good news in this front as well.  More 
>> people are watching than ever before.  There are 800 government operatives 
>> fanning out across the country to verify the integrity of the election.  On 
>> top of this there are thousands of volunteers on both sides and individual 
>> themselves are being more vigilant in insuring their votes are recorded 
>> correctly.  So in the end I think this will not be a problem.
>> I can tell Kawal though that you need to really broaden your media sources.  
>> The idea of voter fraud is not a conspiracy theory or off balance, there’s a 
>> long history of it including in recent times.  Do I need to remind you about 
>> the 2000 election?  You may not be familiar but there were real shenanigans 
>> during that election.  I’m not sure how much play that got in the UK but 
>> whole blocks of ballots turned up uncounted and some even washed up on 
>> shore.;)  So neither party has the monopoly on truth or honesty.  Most of 
>> the claims that you’ve made about Trump though are factually untrue which 
>> leads me to think you’re getting a lot of that government spoon fed BBC 
>> media which is in collusion with the media in this country.  Likewise 
>> there's  probably a lot about Hilary that hasn’t made it your way do to the 
>> same filtering.  Unfortunately, the days of Walter Cronkite and a certain 
>> level of impartial journalism are dead.  Fox news is as guilty of slanting 
>> their side of the story as is the BBC and big 3 American TV networks, we 
>> won’t even discuss the papers.  It’s very difficult to get reliable news and 
>> important now more than ever to use multiple sources with diverse viewpoints 
>> and then interpolate the truth from diverse sources. 
>>> On Nov 8, 2016, at 11:20 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu <kgli...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>> If trump does not get his way he'll say the election was rigged and if he 
>>> does not accept the vote, where then for America?
>>>> On 8 Nov 2016, at 15:34, CHUCK REICHEL <soundpicturerecord...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Scott,
>>>> I agree!
>>>> extra size your rite to Vote!
>>>> Many people died to keep us free!
>>>> Yes my Dad shed his "blood" fighting the socialist in germany to assure us 
>>>> this basic freedom here in the USA
>>>> GOD Bless the USA! :)
>>>> the land of the free and the home of the brave!
>>>> Chuck
>>>> On Nov 8, 2016, at 6:50 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>>>> For our friends in the US,
>>>>>   Totally apolitical here and please please let’s keep it that way.  Get 
>>>>> out there and vote today, do your civic duty regardless of your party / 
>>>>> candidate / beliefs just get out and have your voice heard if you haven’t 
>>>>> already.
>>>>>   Uber is offering a $20 credit for a trip to your polling place, Lyft 
>>>>> has a similar deal with up to $45 in credits, and Google also has the 
>>>>> means to arrange a ride for you and provide some credits to get to your 
>>>>> closest polls.  the parties are offering rides and volunteer services as 
>>>>> well.
>>>>>   Also, make sure you take advantage of the deals available today to 
>>>>> voters.  Keep that “I voted” sticker and Krispy Cream will give you a 
>>>>> free donut, McDonalds and Seven Eleven are giving free coffee, and many 
>>>>> small businesses are having election day promotions that include 
>>>>> discounts or out right freebies.
>>>>>   Remember that many service men and women have fought and died for your 
>>>>> right to vote so let’s not let them down and make sure we take advantage 
>>>>> of our most powerful expression of our freedom, our right to vote.  Now 
>>>>> get out there and be safe everyone.
>>>>> -- 
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> Janina Sajka, Phone:  +1.443.300.2200
>                       sip:jan...@asterisk.rednote.net
>               Email:  jan...@rednote.net
> Linux Foundation Fellow
> Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:     http://a11y.org
> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
> Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures      http://www.w3.org/wai/apa
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