Yes guies, especially Mr. Babcock... I finally bit the bullet. I actually? diddit. I went yesterday to Best Buy with some left over money this month, and got me an IPod Touch 32GB. I love this thing, however, I'm having a slight issue. Mike Origo, if you're on this list, not sure if you are, I listened to the podcast done on bct and Tthat helped me ee? mensely! get up and running. The only problem I'm still having is typing. Now, I know you all never said typing on this thang wasn't a beast and a half. Typing as in, finding the letters with my finger etc. is fairly easy, but I notice a few problems and I am hoping one of you all either with a touch, or an IPhone can give me a fe hints here.
First of all: how does one know if the edit box you're typing in is empty? Eww, btw, I just on another note had my alarm clock go off on the thing. As I set it last night, to wake me up for church, although I'm sadly, already up. just let me say the default sound is gr'r'r'r'roass! You can't even hardly hear the thing through the speakers. Anyway, getting back to what I was saying: Yeah, I just don't know if the fields, especially password fields are empty when I double tappem. Which leads me to my next question. I'm gonna be really specific here. I went to I then started flicking to the right, and eventually, I did find the link to get skype for IPod/IPhone. I thought, being my earphones does have the apple mike on it, that this would be really cool to try. So I stepped my way through, double tapped the get free button, it asked for my ITunes store pwd. Now, obviously, I'm not gonna say what that is, but, I slid around my finger, found the letters, put it in, hit I think it's ok, or does it say go, don't recall but anyway, I accepted what I typed and dismissed the keyboard off the screen. It then popped up and said my pwd is incorrect, which I darn well know! is not the case. I use the store so regularly on my pc, that I know my pwd like the back of my hand. Yes, the e-mail address was filled in, and was correct. BTW, I was in portret orientation when I did this. I don't know if landscape would have made it easier. The other thing is, when I double tap on delete, on the keyboard, is it deleting the letter it says, or is it saying delete, folloed by where the insertion point actually is focused. ok, the one final thing is, I went to I put my phone number in for the e-mail or phone, just as I thought that would be easier, and being my phone is registered, I thought that wouled ya know... Anyway... I then hit go. It said web page loaded. I then when down to the password text field, and double tapped. I then proceeded to put that in and hit go. I then when down below the two fields and double tapped on log in. Well, at that point it said web page loaded, however, I was on the same web page. this leads me to think again, it didn't like the pwd. I know I know these, as again, I use FB all the frickin time! I'm thinking the IPod's doing something kurfunkity when I try to type. I know that sometimes when I try to double tap, it takes it as a flicik up or down. I wonder if that's cause I have too heavy of a finger. I do have fairly big hands. and fairly big fingers. I mean they're not macho, by no means, but they're a slight bit bigger than average. I'm almost having to use the backside of my finger on the nail instead of the fingertip pad to keep it from taking me as a flick. It depends though where on the screen I am. Sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn't. I do have auto correction turned off, and I also have auto capitalization turned off. So, yeah, I'm admittedly quite perplexed. I mean, unless I'm putting in pwd's the typing seems to be fine as long as I don't make a typo. Editting, I haven't totally learned yet. Does the roder when set to edit mean you're jumping edit field by text edit field, or does that mean as you flick up and down it's gonna actually then select! text, etc. Right now and usually I got the roter set to characters. And yes, I do know how to change it if needed. For not even 24hrs having this thing, I think I'm doing well, but, without being able to type and edit properly, that is gonna make things very hard. I wish someone maybe could do an mp3 demonstrating a bit more how to type when on the net, or in mail, or what not, and maybe demonstrate putting in a pwd. On another note: I found a freeware app that yall may like if you haven't tried it. it's really really good if you have a wi fi or cell internet connection. Go either to the app store on the device, or in ITunes, and search for iheart radio. You'll love it, trust me. Basically, there are over 3000 or so, radio stations from the US in it and you can stream them straight to the device. You can add the station, I think! as a favorite, and can also set it to determine your current location, and from there give you local stations in your area, or of corse you can browse by format, personality, city, or featured stations. So far from what I can see, the app is totally! accessible. The only problem with it I am finding and this might jsut be I don't know how to do it, but the only way to stop it from playing entirely is to hit the home key and exit the app. a double two-finger tap doesn't seem to do it like it does with music, etc. Anyway yall let me know. I really wanna use facebook and twitter on this thing, but I can't as I can't figure out how to get the pwd in there right. Also what do yall suggest maybe for a good twitter app? Chris. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at