Hi Chris thanks for all the suggestions, she did not have me do that. How can I set voiceover settings to default? From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark Gilland Sent: November-24-15 5:48 PM To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com Subject: Re: oppinions wanted Did you have her reset all Voiceover settings in the Voiceover utility? Chris. ----- Original Message ----- From: joseph hudson <mailto:jhud7...@gmail.com> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 4:14 PM Subject: Re: oppinions wanted Chris, when we spoke last evening, I had her check the quick math. It was clearly turned off. Other than that little issue that she's having, her Mac seems to be running great. Joseph Hudson Email jhud7...@gmail.com I device support Telephone 2543007667 Skype joseph.hudson89 facebook https://www.facebook.com/joseph.hudson.9404 Twitter https://twitter.com/josephhudson89 FaceTime/iMessage jhud7...@yahoo.com On Nov 24, 2015, at 1:14 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote: Honestly, there is one very obvious thing which I cannot believe no one told you to check. Do you have quick nav enabled? Press your left and right arrow keys together at the same time. Not with your vo keys held down. I'm literally saying just press left and right arrows together. You want to be sure it says quick nav off. Also, it surprises me to absolutely no end that they didn't have you change out the double A batteries in the wireless keyboard that comes with the IMac. It could be that your batteries are nearly dead, and therefore it's producing strange results. Also, I'm shocked they didn't have you try plugging in a wired USB keyboard, even if it's not an apple based keyboard, and see if your navigation works. If nothing else, they should have offered to try replacing your wireless keyboard entirely and send you out a new one, being you said you still have Apple Care. The other thing that I'm absolutely shocked beyond belief that they didn't have you do was to run a disk permissions repair. I understand now in El Capitan, this isn't as easily possible, but you were having this issue before in Mavericks, which definitely! you could have ran disk permissions repair, as well as an over all disk repair from there. I'm not doubting the things you're telling us, but it just seems unusually weird that Apple, especially a senior advisor that works for Accessibility wouldn't have had you try these things. I mean, I'm Apple certified, and that's one of the very first things I would have had you check. Resetting PRam with command+Option+P+R is good, but that may a been overkill. Also, I'm not sure if the IMacs would do this, but maybe you may wanna call Accessibility back and ask them to help you reset your SMC if that can be done. Chris. ----- Original Message ----- From: Zoe Fiogkos <mailto:fiog...@rogers.com> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 12:52 PM Subject: oppinions wanted Today I was on the phone for over 2 hours with apple accessibility and they could not fix my problem, so they have made an appointment with the apple store for me on Saturday. Below in point form is my problem and what apple accessibility said and I would like your opinions. 2014 February bought new iMac running mavericks. Tried using pages and navigation did not work. Left iMac on desk for over a year. November 2015 turned on mac same problems. Asked for help on various lists, answer was basically get training. Took the suggestion of a friend and backed up and upgraded iMac to elcapitan. Backed up and upgraded without a hitch. Problems still exist. Upgraded pages. On a body of text arrow up reads the text, arrow down jumps to menu extras. Tested on notes app same thing. Spoke with a list member on the telephone, who confirmed that my navigation on the mac is screwed. Same member confirmed that I am using proper vo commands. Member suggested I call apple accessibility. Today called them. The lady who helped me was named Christie. She had me test both pages and notes and confirmed I am doing nothing wrong and according to her opinion it’s a software problem. She had me hold down p, r, and option, command and then power up. Nothing changed. She had me hold down shift and power up. Nothing changed. She had me hold down command r and power up. She tried to reinstall osx but the window announced signing into appstore and then progress bar busy. We tried again. Checked if wifi was connected and it was. Still the same thing. She said there was nothing more she could do, she thinks it’s a software problem and that I need to take it into the store to see if they can fix it. I’m glad that it isn’t me, and that mac training as some suggested is not the issue. However I’m very sad because obviously something is very wrong. Thank God I got apple care when I bought this iMac. What do you all think of this? Curious what your opinions are. Regards Zoe -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself. 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