Hello, hmm i looked in the store but only could find the enlgish  
voices, would love to hear the obama one, lol. I think their voices  
sound really natural and interesting but maybe not as high quality as  
the infovox ones.
Greetings, Anouk
On Nov 6, 2009, at 4:54 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> InfoVox is fantastic, but you could also check out  www.cereproc.com  
> They
> are based in the UK and there prices are extremely reasonable. They  
> do not
> have the variety of voices hat InfoVox does, but they do have a  
> Spanish
> voice and I am hoping a French voice will come soon. Just for  
> giggles, they
> also have a President Obama voices. They really are excellent at  
> least on a
> par with InfoVox at least in my humble opinion.
> Just my two cents worth
> TC
> James
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Esther" <mori...@mac.com>
> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 3:34 PM
> Subject: Re: Infovox marked improvement
> Hi Donna,
> It's actually cheaper to buy a second Infovox iVox language pack.  I
> think an add-on, non-Scandinavian language pack costs $49.50 (half the
> price of a first language pack purchase) with however many voices are
> included for that language.  There may be less expensive pricing if
> you know you are going to get 3 or more languages at once.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Esther,
>> you had written before about Ghost Reader, and honestly, I didn't get
>> what the appeal was.  But the ability to switch between voices/
>> languages on the fly would be very nice.
>> Thanks also for explaining the pricing structure. I didn't think I  
>> had
>> seen anywhere that you got five voices, and honestly one per language
>> would be sufficient. But it would be handy to have multiple  
>> languages,
>> so perhaps I'll give some thought to the language pack..
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Nov 6, 2009, at 10:04 AM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Donna,
>>> The Infovox iVox voices are sold packaged for a flat rate by
>>> language.  Basically, this is the pricing scheme set with the  
>>> Acapela
>>> group, and the development of pronunciation editor, etc. is done by
>>> language.  What Anne means is that  she gets 5 French voices, and
>>> they
>>> also include the Heather (U.S. English) voice in the foreign  
>>> language
>>> packs.  However, if you wanted to buy the French Canadian voice,
>>> there's only one. There's only one Russian voice.  I think the
>>> pricing
>>> on the Scandinavian voices is slightly higher.  If you are buying a
>>> language bundle, you might also look at adding GhostReader for $10
>>> more ($109 instead of $99).  Although this is a text-to-speech  
>>> reader
>>> program that is not designed for visually impaired users it has some
>>> neat features, particularly the ability to switch between any of the
>>> Infovox iVox voices in text, by inserting a control sequence.  This
>>> provides a great way to read out multiple language dialogues.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> Donna Goodin wrote:
>>>> Hi Anne,
>>>> You mention that for $99 you get five voices? I didn't realize  
>>>> that.
>>>> Do all five have to be in the same language, i.e. could I get a
>>>> Spanish voice, an Italian Voice, an English voice, etc?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Donna
>>>> On Nov 6, 2009, at 4:27 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>>>> Hello Kevin,
>>>>> Infovox iVox is a third-party suite of voices for the Mac. Those  
>>>>> of
>>>>> us
>>>>> who use the Mac in a language other than English need these voices
>>>>> since Apple only provides English language voices.
>>>>> A language pack costs ?99 which is very good value for me as a
>>>>> French
>>>>> language user as I get 5 voices for that price. Some languages  
>>>>> only
>>>>> get 1 voice which makes the cost a bit steep. However, as far as I
>>>>> know, Infovox iVox are the only third-party voices that work with
>>>>> Snow
>>>>> Leopard.
>>>>> I tried a Cepstral voice with SL but it didn't work.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Anne
>>>>> On Nov 6, 2009, at 7:34 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>>>>>> What is Info Vox?
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>>> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Nicolai
>>>>>> Svendsen
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 3:27 PM
>>>>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Infovox marked improvement
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> It's definitely become much more responsive as well. I got it as
>>>>>> soon
>>>>>> as it was in beta, and even by that point the responsiveness was
>>>>>> excellent.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Nic
>>>>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>>>>> MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
>>>>>> AIM: cincinster
>>>>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>>>>> Facebook Profile
>>>>>> My Twitter
>>>>>> On Nov 5, 2009, at 5:15 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi guys, I just grabbed the ivox 2 demo and most of the
>>>>>>> proounsiation
>>>>>>> issues I was having are gone.  If anything it pronounces some
>>>>>>> noteable
>>>>>>> things better than the new alex does.  Burggrafe has properly
>>>>>>> become
>>>>>>> burggraaf, to my personal gratification.
>>>>>>> Unfortunately, my rockbox utility is not recognizing the ivox
>>>>>>> voices.
>>>>>>> SL compadibility issue?  I wish I could get on the rockbox list,
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> it's not letting me for some reason.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> erik burggraaf
>>>>>>> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
>>>>>>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>>>>>>> Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
> >

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