Hey Erik, well I do not have much experience with computer  
manufacturer support directly but i do with the dutch distributors of  
screenreaders hwo also give me a laptop. That support has gone way  
down hill I can tell you.
Greetings, Anouk
On Nov 5, 2009, at 12:07 AM, Cameron wrote:

> I'd like to hear that story if you please...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of erik burggraaf
> Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 6:24 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: apple warranty
> That has been my personal experience.  Although I have had both good
> and bad experiences of most companies, the good experience of apple
> has far outstripped anything I've gotten from any other company.  I
> know I've told my deep frier oil story numerous times on the list.  It
> never gets old for me, so if you're not sick of hearing it, let me
> know and I'll relate it again.
> I'd say that here in North america at least, apple is followed closely
> by asus.  Dell, hp, and toshiba support are extremely hit and miss.
> Toshiba support used to be abominable.  fortunately they have made
> some strides since I owned one, but I won't go back.
> Acer support should be a lot worse than it is considering the
> astonishing array of cheep laptops they put out, but my acer
> experience has been pretty good over all.  Systemax had pretty good
> phone support, but they took my laptop for 6 weeks and sent it back
> still broken, so I'm disinclined to recomend them to anyone.
> Apple just blows most of these people out of the water on service
> though.  You hear of the ocasional bad experience, but over all it's
> just amazingly good.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
> On 2009-11-04, at 4:33 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>> I think what you're paying for more in the cost of a mac is better
>> support.  I'd heard some  stats suggesting that the tech support that
>> companies like Del, HP, and other PC manufacturers provided was lower
>> in quality to that of Apple.
>> On Nov 4, 2009, at 3:49 AM, anouk radix wrote:
>>> Hello, I know that there are some unattached braille display
>>> developers around, meaning that their braille displays are not  
>>> linked
>>> to screenreader software to windows. Lately I have been thinking
>>> about
>>> how cool it would beif they could do a package deal on their braille
>>> display and a mac laptop. In the netherlands if you are a  
>>> schoolgoing
>>> child or a student you get both a laptop, a screenreader and a
>>> braille
>>> display from the state (actually the uwv, a company run by the  
>>> state)
>>> if you are a working person then your employer can ask the uwv for a
>>> screenreader and a braille display and if you need stuff for home  
>>> use
>>> you need to ask your insurance company. So it owuld be really
>>> beneficial for the uwv to have an option like the mac that would  
>>> be a
>>> lot cheaper then the options by optelec (bc640+hal) or freedom
>>> scientific (i think their braille display is called focus and they  
>>> of
>>> course develop jaws) plus probbably a toshiba laptop. At least the
>>> free developers could spread the know how about the mac system and
>>> maybe translate stuff provide dutch support etc. I was planning to
>>> write some people about this when I suddenly realized something. 1.
>>> apple seems to be the sole distributor of macbooks etc and most
>>> importantly 2. the very meager standard warranty and very high price
>>> to buy more. If you get a laptop as a blind student in nl then you
>>> have to use it for at least 3 years before you ask for a new one,
>>> after 3 years you can ask for a new laptop and sometimes even a new
>>> braille display although that term used to be 5 ears. So it is  
>>> common
>>> practice for companies to deliver the laptop with 3 years of  
>>> warranty
>>> so that has to be included in the total price.
>>> I really hope that in the future apple iwll include more then 1 year
>>> of warranty because on a lot of proiducts in europe you have AT  
>>> 2 years warranty as standard and at no extra cost.
>>> Greetings, Anouk
> >

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