Even if the technology may put your computer at risk for data theft because as 
a screen reader user, you can’t access the updater through it’s application?


> On 15/04/2015, at 1:41 pm, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Hmm, usually the web lawsuits I've read revolve around lack of access to a 
> particular service or product and not around a particular technology. So if 
> the Target or United Airlines web site was inaccessible because of using 
> Flash, that would put those companies on the hook for choosing their internet 
> technology poorly, not Adobe. Not sure outside the states but I think US 
> private sector doesn't have a requirement to make any old web site/technology 
> accessible although the circuit courts are split on whether the ADA applies 
> or not. Two cases were dismissed in the 9th circuit on April 1st (Netflix and 
> Ebay) because neither company has a physical place. I think that's too narrow 
> but I'm not a lawyer.
> CB
> On 4/14/15 8:46 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I was doing some house cleaning and saw a flash player image opened in my 
>> disk utility. I wondered what the hell the flash player image was doing 
>> there, though I hadn’t opened a disk image for a year or so. Then I checked 
>> whether the updater was accessible. No go. There are several critical 
>> updates since I last installed it, not knowing where or which site 
>> incorporates flash. However, I’ve installed a plugin to deny flash any 
>> playing since it’s just not accessible.
>> Then I started turning wheels in my head and thought maybe a good way to get 
>> adobe to make their flash accessible, or at least their setup/update 
>> interface is to sue them for no accessibility, on the ground that screen 
>> reader users cannot access the critical updates through the alerts we are 
>> given when they are available. This may put computers at risk etc etc, but 
>> the point is not to make money (which i doubt in any perspective is possible 
>> on such a case) but to spotlight the fact that they have NOT made their 
>> flash component accessible, or any other as a matter of fact.
>> I know flash is in decline, but it still exists around. And I don’t want my 
>> system to be unsecure through an opening I have no control of, due to its 
>> inaccessibility.
>> Open to discussion
>> Best regards,
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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