Getting a job at Apple is like getting a job at any other international 
company. Be aware that Apple receives several hundred applications for every 
position that they advertise. In many cases, it is over a thousand applications.

That said, like all large companies, Apple does much of its candidate searching 
using placement companies.

So, one approach you might try is locate a recruitment company which is focused 
on technical support jobs. Tell the recruiter that you have significant 
experience using and supporting Apple products. The recruiter will have 
knowledge of companies that are seeking your skill sets. If you have verifiable 
skills (previous employment or volunteer work) with good references, your 
chances increase. Note: in order to work directly for Apple, rather than an 
Apple support company, previous work experience with excellent references is 
almost a necessity.

There are some books available on NLS BARD and Bookshare which discuss much of 
the interviewing and job application hurdles that prospective candidates go 
through for the large, high-tech companies. I have read a few of these books.

It is a matter of course for all of these companies that employees sign 
nondisclosure agreements stating they will not discuss the employment process 
with outsiders. To do so can get an employee dismissed. Also, it is standard 
for the calls to be recorded, so the advisor's responses were completely 
appropriate, and what you will receive from other companies as well. That said, 
Apple is legendary for its secrecy and compartmentalisation. Be aware that the 
interviewing process for Apple requires either responding to a job ad or being 
invited by Apple HR for a specific position. Unless it is upper management or 
executive levels, it will require several interviews with both groups and 
alone. It will require a significant amount of time (I suspect a month or 
more), and it will involve the applicant demonstrating a full and complete 
devotion to Apple and Apple's culture.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 20 Mar 2015, at 08:01, Christopher-Mark Gilland <> 
> wrote:
> First off, this isn't a complaint, nor is it a drama rant, as much as it's 
> just something that really has me a bit unsettled.  So don't worry.  If 
> you're not for reading, excuse the language, bitch session mail, then don't 
> worry!  I promise that is not at all the nature of the following message.  I 
> cross my heart, so please just hear me out on this.
> I was eating breakfast this morning with both my grandmother and a very very 
> dear friend of mine who is a next door neighbor.  We all three got to talking 
> about the job industry and how with my expertees, and with my level of 
> technical skills when it comes to Apple products both from an accessibility 
> standpoint as well as just in general, how I really probably could be a major 
> benefit to the Apple user consumer market.
> I confess that I have considered employment through Apple several times 
> before, but I guess I never really took it all that seriously.  I mean, I 
> did, but I didn't.  Anyway, long story short, I got to thinking about our 
> discussion once I got back home.  the more I thought about it, the more I 
> realized that they are right.  I really could! make a difference, most likely.
> So, I started brainstorming what department would I probably do the best at, 
> and do I feel needs a team leader as myself.  Naturally, the more I thought 
> about it, the more I kept coming back to the Accessibility department.
> So, I finally said, ok, I'm going to give Apple Accessibility a call, and 
> just see what exactly the criteria would be.  Obviously, I'd have to move 
> either to Austin or somewhere in Calafornia.  That goes without saying.  I'd 
> very much be willing to do either, if it meant me getting hiered.
> So, I called and, ironically, got another gentlemen named Chris... go figure. 
>  Anyway, this is what bothers me big time!  I asked him what the criteria is. 
>  He was incredibly, and I do mean incredibly! cryptic.  He really wouldn't go 
> into even the slightest bit of detail.  He basically said, I'm not authorized 
> to tell you this information.  I'm like, ok, I'm not asking for you to give 
> me the whole novel rundown.  I'm only asking from a very general standpoint.  
> Obviously, I'd have to transfer my geographic location to where one of the 
> call centers are... that's inevitable.  He's just like, well, yeah?  You 
> would...  I'm like, ow'w'w, kayyy?  and... what about training?  I presume 
> that I'd be required to get several weeks worth of training, wouldn't I?  
> He's like, that, I cannot go into.  I told him, OK, sir?  I live in North 
> Carolina.  If it wind up being Calafornia that I have to move to, that is 
> almost all the way on the other side of the country.  Granted, I wouldn't 
> move until I knew if I'd get the job, but still... that would be quite a huge 
> lifechanging commitment.  Especially moving away from all of my family loved 
> ones, etc.  He's like, OK, well, sir, I can't tell ya.  I'm sorry.  I asked 
> him, then, who can.  He said, I dunno.  I'm not at liberty to say.  I asked 
> him why such the discrete nature.  All I'm asking is generally how to start 
> the process, no more no less.  If he cannot tell me, then please tell me 
> someone who can.
> He continued to be extremely vague.  Finally, after a little bit of sweet 
> talking, he finally ever so slightly mellowed up and told me, OK, look.  You 
> have to first be employed through Apple as just a standard advisor.  Then, 
> eventually, you'd be promoted up to Senior Advisor level whereby you'd then 
> get onboard with the Accessibility Support team.  I told him that made sense. 
>  I asked him, ok, then, no wonder you're a little secretive, as I'm not 
> onboard with Apple right now, let alone a Senior Advisor, so you can't! 
> really talk to me about how to become one.  So... let's go another avenue.  
> How do I become an Apple Advisor employ in general.  Again, uh, sir, I really 
> am not supposed to tell you.  I'm like, then D*** it?  how do people get 
> hiered by you guys!  If you won't tell them where to go, or how to get 
> started with the application process, I mean, yeah, there is
> but that still doesn't really answer my question.  I don't want to work for a 
> company who is so quiet about their employmentship process.  I'm sorry, but 
> that's just ridiculous!
> Apple has always been very secretive.  If it's the whole public seed betas of 
> OSX, it's public! It's free! Anyone! can sign up! So what the blue flying 
> heck!  What's the point of NDA with that type of setup.  Fine!  If you don't 
> wanna tell me, I'll just sign up myself, and then find out the NDA stuff for 
> myself.  I get! NDA.  I get! confidentiality legistics, but give! me a! 
> freaking! break for god sake!  If it's not that, it's Apple being very quiet 
> about their job offerings.  If it's not that, it's them not wanting to tell 
> me what cities have call centers, or if I could work with a hardware/soft sip 
> phone from home connected to a PBX system logged into their queue.  It's just 
> one quiet thing after another.
> What about the other day when all ICloud based services went down for over 
> 60% of the whole day?  I could be wrong, and if I am, forgive me, but I don't 
> think to this very day! they've disclosed to the public even on very very 
> general terms their explaination for why they went down.  I can tell you now, 
> my local newstalk radio station was p?... owed.  I mean, the least! they 
> could a done is given us a very very terse, general! reason for the downtime. 
>  Again, it's not like I'm asking for the full in Paul Harvy's words... rest 
> of the story...
> So what gives?  Does anyone know not so much how! to get hiered as an 
> advisor, but more what the requirements are to be so?  I don't speak of, have 
> no criminal background, have a drug free resulted drugscreening test.  Duh!  
> I know all that!  I'm not that far gone.  I'm saying more from a technical 
> standpoint, what is required.
> the guy even told me, check around, as some agencies actually can help you 
> become hiered.  I'm like, Oh, yeah, I know, like Voc Rehab etc.  He's like, 
> no no no.  I'm not talking about that.  I'm talking about direct agencies 
> that work along side us.  I asked him to elaborate, which of corse, he 
> wouldn't.
> I just don't know how comfortable that I feel working for a company who is 
> gonna be so top-secret.  Since when did they become NSA!  Lord a mercy!
> You all's thoughts?
> Chris.
> -- 
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