On 24 Jun 2014, at 09:02, Jason White <ja...@jasonjgw.net> wrote:
> Sabahattin Gucukoglu <listse...@me.com> wrote:
>> Yep!  Braille for me, but only with BRLTTY, and only at the command line in 
>> text mode.  That is the complete braille experience, IMO.  
> Indeed it is. Does BRLTTY still run on OS X? It used to work - I remember
> it was discussed on the BRLTTY mailing list more than once.

I haven't tried it since Leopard, so I couldn't say, however the driver 
interface meant that it was extremely limited anyway.  I have since taken to 
the song and dance of configuring VMWare to pass through my USB braille device 
(BrailleNote Apex) to a Linux VM, and then pulling and re-plugging quickly 
enough after starting a VM for it to be detected and used by Linux.  Until 
VMWare pull their finger out and provide a proper way to interface serial 
devices, either to physical or software via sockets, this will have to suffice. 
 But it's worth it.  Not only is Linux a great way to get and install software, 
but it's trivial to ssh back into the Mac to get what CLI support is available 
from that platform (which I must say appears to be in a very sharp decline in 
recent times).


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