Hi Annie, there may be problems getting this done, but we'll bounce it around 
for sure and have a look at the logistics and implications.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 14/05/2014, at 12:40 pm, Annie Skov Nielsen <annieskovniel...@gmail.com> 

> Hi Jonathan.
>  Thank you for answering this.
> I have been thinking about something. Could freedom make a reverse 
> possibility in the firmware, so that we could solve it that way. I do not 
> really understand why apple needs to use these beautiful buttons which came 
> instead of the wheels to do other things than pan. This display started 
> really good because you had the panning posibility in both sides of the 
> display.
> I sent apple 5 solutions listed a while ago, and I have done it many times. I 
> hope a lot of other people will do the same - please.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den 14/05/2014 kl. 00.21 skrev Jonathan Mosen <jmo...@mosen.org>:
>> Hi Annie, I wish I could. I'd prefer to advance the display from the left 
>> hand side as well, but since Apple make the drivers and the interface, this 
>> ball is entirely in their court. At least with the Mac, you can reassign the 
>> functions. The very least they might do is offer a reverse panning option in 
>> the iOS Braille settings, but whether they do it or not is totally up to 
>> them. We can only hope enough users request it.
>> Jonathan Mosen
>> Mosen Consulting
>> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
>> http://Mosen.org
>> On 14/05/2014, at 5:53 am, Annie Skov Nielsen <annieskovniel...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jonathan.
>>> I have an issue on the IPhone with focus 40, which I do not know how to get 
>>> apple to understand and fix as soon as possible. Can you help? I have 
>>> contacted accessibility a lot of times, I am afraid they could understand I 
>>> was angry the last time.
>>> I have chosen the focus 40 blue, because it at the time I got it you could 
>>> go to the next display line with the left hand, this functionality has been 
>>> destroyed if I had known I would not have chosen the focus display, now you 
>>> can only go to the next display line with the wright hand on that little 
>>> button on the front in the wright end, this change has made the display 
>>> unusable for me.
>>> I would be happy if you can help.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Den 13/05/2014 kl. 17.18 skrev Jonathan Mosen <jmo...@mosen.org>:
>>>> Hi Gigi, I'll see if I can reproduce your speed issue, there's certainly 
>>>> an issue with all Braille displays and Brailling too slowly on Apple 
>>>> devices, but I'll try and see if there's anything Focus 14 Blue specific 
>>>> with Brailling too fast. But again, this will be a driver issue. It's not 
>>>> an issue with the display itself and on the iPhone and in Windows I can go 
>>>> at a very good speed. So this will be something, if it exists, that Apple 
>>>> will need to address. Apple has all the driver specs but FS will help in 
>>>> whatever way they can if needed.
>>>> I'll also see if an appropriate person at FS can reach out to Apple to say 
>>>> there's been this feedback. Certainly on iPhone, the Focus line is one of 
>>>> the most reliable displays of the bunch in terms of pairing, so it would 
>>>> be good to see that experience replicated with Mac.
>>>> On 13/05/2014, at 10:38 pm, Eugenia Firth <gigifi...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jonathan
>>>>> When I say horrible, I guess I need to be more specific. It has to do 
>>>>> with writing on the display with the keyboard. The timing of the keys is 
>>>>> off somehowh if you write the letter T, for example, dots to three maybe 
>>>>> recognized first and then dots 45 may be recognized later. . If that is, 
>>>>> you Braille too fast. If I Braille slow enough, that is, real slow, I can 
>>>>> get my computer to recognize what I'm imputting. It is better in computer 
>>>>> Braille.
>>>>> I can read on the display just fine.  However, I got it so that I could 
>>>>> write on its keyboard. And that is the very thing I'm having trouble with.
>>>>> I have a 2011 MacBook Pro with 8 GB of memory because I got it updated. 
>>>>> Can you think of a setting in voiceover that I could change that would 
>>>>> make this better? I am pretty sure that it is not my unit because a 
>>>>> representative of Crystal vision went to the Apple Store and tried to 
>>>>> pair his focus 14 with one of their computers. It didn't work.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Gigi
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On May 13, 2014, at 3:53 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu <kawa...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>> At the moment my display does not work on the Mac via blue tooth and my 
>>>>>> i Mac is a 2012 model late! That's OK about my gender Jonnathan! I love 
>>>>>> this display so much that got another for work through the Government!
>>>>>> On 13 May 2014, at 02:59 am, Jonathan Mosen <jmo...@mosen.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Gigi. I am replying to you by Brailling into my Focus 14 Blue, 
>>>>>>> connected to a Macbook Air mid-2013 running Mavericks. Apple not only 
>>>>>>> have the drivers, they also include them in iOS.
>>>>>>> When you say the display is horrible in USB, there are no specifics I 
>>>>>>> can respond to I'm afraid. People who can help really need you to tell 
>>>>>>> them what specifically you consider horrible, what you're doing, what 
>>>>>>> results you are hoping for and what results you get. And obviously I'm 
>>>>>>> very keen to be helpful because you're right, any Braille display is an 
>>>>>>> investment that should last you a long time.
>>>>>>> I can only tell you that drivers exist and are functioning for many 
>>>>>>> people but not for some others. I'm not at all minimising your 
>>>>>>> frustration but that is why I attempted to explain the relationship 
>>>>>>> between a Braille display and the screen reader developer in my 
>>>>>>> previous message.
>>>>>>> Apple Braille can be quite quirky, and that's the case with any 
>>>>>>> display. But if it's not working at all, then that's something Freedom 
>>>>>>> Scientific is always happy to help any screen reader developer work on 
>>>>>>> if they need help. The fact that the Focus family is working, and 
>>>>>>> working well for many customers, is testimony to the fact that Apple 
>>>>>>> not only have the drivers but the documentation to have written the 
>>>>>>> drivers.
>>>>>>> Oh, and to Kawl, very sorry for getting your gender wrong. Major oops. 
>>>>>>> :).
>>>>>>> Jonathan
>>>>>>> On 13/05/2014, at 1:40 pm, Eugenia Firth <gigifi...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jonathan
>>>>>>>> Okay, but the only problem is that Apple says that freedom scientific 
>>>>>>>> has to turn in driver information to them I was told that my focus 14 
>>>>>>>> could run on any computer. It will not pair with a Mac, and I know 
>>>>>>>> that this is just not like him Braille display that's the problem 
>>>>>>>> because another focus 14 will not pair with other Macintosh computers. 
>>>>>>>> The other thing is, mine  is horrible even in USB mode. This display 
>>>>>>>> is so bad even in USB mode that it's almost unusable.
>>>>>>>> I am sure that you can agree, I hope, that Braille displays are too 
>>>>>>>> expensive not to stay working once you get one. This situation is 
>>>>>>>> making me a little nervous about the long-term use of this display 
>>>>>>>> because how do I know that, even if it is fixed for now, it won't 
>>>>>>>> become unfixed down the road. These displays absolutely must work for 
>>>>>>>> a reasonable length of time for it to be worth it for us to pay the 
>>>>>>>> kind of money that we pay.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Gigi 
>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>> On May 12, 2014, at 6:12 PM, Jonathan Mosen <jmo...@mosen.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Gigi and all, I'd like to try and set some expectations regarding 
>>>>>>>>> what customers should expect from what companies when it comes to 
>>>>>>>>> Braille displays.
>>>>>>>>> Kawl wrote to me a few days ago, and once we got past some 
>>>>>>>>> terminology, I established what he wanted was the ability to install 
>>>>>>>>> Focus Blue firmware updates via the Mac.
>>>>>>>>> Freedom Scientific presently doesn't produce any Mac software, but I 
>>>>>>>>> agree that it's not unreasonable to hope that if you've brought some 
>>>>>>>>> hardware to run on your Mac, you can upgrade it via that Mac. I can't 
>>>>>>>>> give any commitments at this point but I do want you and the list to 
>>>>>>>>> know that the request has been passed on and it is being taken 
>>>>>>>>> seriously. Certainly firmware upgrades are the responsibility of the 
>>>>>>>>> Braille display manufacturer, whoever that manufacturer is.
>>>>>>>>> There is another issue, and that involves some displays apparently 
>>>>>>>>> not working on certain variations of Mac. In this case, if the device 
>>>>>>>>> is working properly in all other situations, this is most likely to 
>>>>>>>>> be an issue for Apple to resolve. Any screen reader developer, in 
>>>>>>>>> this case VoiceOver, writes their own drivers to interface with a 
>>>>>>>>> Braille display. The only drivers Freedom Scientific write are for 
>>>>>>>>> JAWS, which they also produce. From time to time, something may 
>>>>>>>>> happen which breaks support for certain displays, and naturally this 
>>>>>>>>> is highly frustrating for those affected.
>>>>>>>>> I'm using the Focus 40 Blue regularly on a Mac with no issues. This 
>>>>>>>>> doesn't help anyone who is having trouble, but it does suggest that 
>>>>>>>>> the problem may be isolated to certain kinds of Mac, or even certain 
>>>>>>>>> kinds of Mac produced at a certain time, so Apple Accessibility is 
>>>>>>>>> your best bet for this. Like any tricky software issue, the more data 
>>>>>>>>> Apple can get, I'm sure the more likely it will be that they can 
>>>>>>>>> isolate and ultimately solve the problem.
>>>>>>>>> I hope that's of some help.
>>>>>>>>> Jonathan
>>>>>>>>> On 12/05/2014, at 1:18 am, Eugenia Firth <gigifi...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi there '
>>>>>>>>>> I hope it works, but I might point out that if you call Freedom 
>>>>>>>>>> Scientific about your braille display like I did and you mention the 
>>>>>>>>>> words Macintosh computer, you are immediately told to call Apple. 
>>>>>>>>>> They won't even talk about it, no matter what your question is. I 
>>>>>>>>>> must say they sort of panicked when I asked about that cd that comes 
>>>>>>>>>> with the Focus 14. I didn't think it had a Mac installer on it since 
>>>>>>>>>> Apple puts those drives on our Macs, but I was hoping. I was told 
>>>>>>>>>> immediately no way should I put that cd in my Mac. They didn't know 
>>>>>>>>>> there was no way I was going to do that unless it was marked for 
>>>>>>>>>> that or they told me to do it. 
>>>>>>>>>> Regards, 
>>>>>>>>>> Gigi 
>>>>>>>>>> On May 10, 2014, at 9:38 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu <kawa...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I have written to Apple and to somebody who works in Freedom 
>>>>>>>>>>> scientific to see whether or not we can have firmware drivers as 
>>>>>>>>>>> Mac installers. Hopefully, we will get some results from that soon.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10 May 2014, at 08:59 am, Annie Skov Nielsen 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <annieskovniel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Kawal.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It is good to write to apple. It maybe requires a cooperation 
>>>>>>>>>>>> between apple and freedom scientiffic to get it to work again.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards Annie.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Den 09/05/2014 kl. 22.41 skrev Kawal Gucukoglu <kawa...@me.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have written to Apple access ability or is it the other way 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> round! To discuss with Freedom scientific. Hopefully, I will have 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a response soon, and will share it with you all. I have also 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> written an email to Jonathan Mosen to ask him to encourage 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> freedom scientific to put Mac installers of their products on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> their website.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 9 May 2014, at 09:19 pm, Annie Skov Nielsen 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <annieskovniel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Kawal.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have 2 macs here, on the older mac it works on this mac from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2011 it will not load the driver as you said. I can not figure 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out what's going wrong.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards Annie.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Den 09/05/2014 kl. 21.05 skrev Kawal Gucukoglu <kawa...@me.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it has nothing to do with the model, as the driver is stalled 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the bell display successfully. It is when you try and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect this displayed via Bluetooth with the Mac.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 9 May 2014, at 06:57 pm, Teresa Cochran <batsfly...@me.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This seems very strange. I've had a Focus 40 blue since 2010 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and it has updated perfectly. Is this possibly a difference 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> between older and newer models?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Teresa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visualize whirled peas.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On May 9, 2014, at 10:38 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu <kawa...@me.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After updating the firmware on my Bluetooth Focus 40, it will 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not pair to the Mac via Bluetooth as it says Failed to load 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Driver.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Suppose I'll have to send an e-mail to Accessibility.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kawal.
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