On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Scott Kostyshak <skost...@lyx.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 12:24 PM, stefano franchi
> <stefano.fran...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 10:47 AM, Jason F. Siegel <siege...@umail.iu.edu> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 03/05/2014 12:36 AM, stefano franchi wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 9:40 PM, Jason F. Siegel <siege...@umail.iu.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>> On 03/03/2014 05:07 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:
>>> "Jason F. Siegel" <siege...@umail.iu.edu> írta:
>>> I've attached the LaTeX and BiBTex logs in one text file. I've also
>>> attached a LyX MWE with the ERT that got left out of the first one, to
>>> show the formatting problems that were apparent in the PDF of the beta
>>> file.
>>> --Jason
>>> On 03/03/2014 12:58 PM, stefano franchi wrote:
>>> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Jason F. Siegel <siege...@umail.iu.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Csikos,
>>> I've provided a non-beta file with this e-mail. However, here the
>>> problem is
>>> different, as I stated in the original e-mail. In the non-beta, even
>>> with
>>> what I believe are the same settings (I'll admit I could be overlooking
>>> something), the references don't load at all. There is no formatting of
>>> the
>>> citations and no bibliography prints at the end. I would be happy to
>>> continue to use the stable version of LyX if it meant I could get my
>>> references and could format my ERT properly.
>>> I have attached the PDFs of the non beta and the PDF of the earlier LyX
>>> file
>>> and also the .bib file, as well, so that people can see what I'm
>>> seeing,
>>> even if it's not reproducing on their machine.
>>> Jason,
>>> you file works fine here on LyX 2.0.7 (see attached). Citation and
>>> bibliography are as you desire (I think).
>>> What do you see in the log file?
>>> Stefano
>>> --Jason
>>> On 03/03/2014 08:37 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:
>>> "Jason F. Siegel" <siege...@umail.iu.edu> írta:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I'm having some trouble getting my bibliography and in-line citations
>>> formatted properly. For some reason, the bibliography is sorting in
>>> the
>>> order the references are cited, rather than in alphabetical order.
>>> Moreover, inline citations that should be Author (YEAR) are Author
>>> (Title). I'm using biblatex 2.8 and biber 1.8, with natbib and
>>> plainnat
>>> style on Ubuntu 13.10 with Lyx 2.1.0dev (the references don't even
>>> load
>>> in 2.0.7 for some reason).
>>> In the same document, ERT with the ExPex package isn't formatting as
>>> expected. I'm trying to get bold italics , but \bf gives me bold
>>> upright
>>> characters and \textbf gives me one bold italicized character
>>> followed
>>> by italics. I'm also trying to get small caps, but it's just plain
>>> lowercase. Any thoughts or aid people can give would be most welcome.
>>> I've attached an he.
>>> Jason,
>>> I tried to open your MWE but it seems it is in lyx 2.1 format. I have
>>> only
>>> lyx 2.0 installed.
>>> Jason,
>>> I have some general comments.
>>> - Please do not top post. Always write your message _below_ the included
>>> previous messages or _right_below_ to a part (of a previous message) you are
>>> actually refer to.
>>> - The examples you have provided are not minimal examples. Rather they are
>>> very complex documents. Try to reduce the example to as simple as possible
>>> removing unnecessary text, unnecessary options, and preamble settings but
>>> keeping those that cause the error.
>>> Back to the specific case:
>>> In the bib file you attached in your previous mail (MasterList.bib) the
>>> last entry (@BOOK{UNICEF2009) is incomplete and not correctly closed.  There
>>> is a missing "}" at the end and I think "address = " is not valid. The entry
>>> "Cohen1998" is not correct. For me this caused compilation error and a very
>>> different output.
>>> I am attaching the corrected bib file and two pdfs, compiled with the
>>> original, and with the fixed bib file.
>>> In your current message the log file indicates that during compilation
>>> bibtex is used. This should be biber (backend is set to biber in the
>>> preamble). Maybe you have not set lyx to use biber instead of bibtex under
>>> Tools=>Preferences=>Output=>LaTeX=>Processor: biber. Make sure you have
>>> biber set there.
>>> Hi Csikos,
>>> ,
>>> Thanks for your helpful instructions, and for fixing my bibliography.
>>> Unfortunately, they do not solve my problems. Any time I select biber as the
>>> backend (in the preamble, in settings, in preferences, and in any
>>> combination), the PDF does not compile. With your fix, in both the beta and
>>> the stable version, I get two 'Undefined control sequence' errors, one for
>>> \sortlist and the other for \endsortlist.
>>> Hi Jason,
>>> my suggestion to get out of the problem you find yourself is the same
>>> as Cskos's: try to reduce the number of variables as much as possible
>>> in order to isolate the root of the problem.
>>> The first thing you need to find out is whether you have a working
>>> biblatex+biber installation.
>>> 1. Make a new lyx file using one of the standard classes (book,
>>> article), add )only* your biblatex call to the preamble (the
>>> \usepackage and the \addbibresource commands), and put no more than
>>> one word of text in the file itself, plus a couple of references at
>>> most. See what happens.
>>> If biblatex/biber work in the simplest possible scenario, you can
>>> start to work on your (very complex) preamble.
>>> I created a new document with just two citations using BiBLaTeX and biber,
>>> and the document still fails to compile, giving me the same two errors that
>>> I cited above, for \sortlist and \endsortlist.
>>> I notice in my BiBTeX log it says
>>> WARN - Warning: Found biblatex control file version 1.7, expected version
>>> 2.5
>>> It wouldn't surprise me if this is the culprit, but I have no clue about how
>>> to fix it.
>> That is most likely the source of all or at least most of your troubles.
>> It is crucial that you keep biber and biblatex in sync. The best way
>> to do this in a production environment is to never install packages
>> manually, but to rely on texlive manager, which will take care of the
>> sync for you. However, this is for the future, and the  problem is now
>> how to fix your current (apparently broken) installation.
>> This (relatively) simple requirement is made more complicated on
>> Ubuntu (which I believe you are using) because Ubuntu' package manager
>> also tries to manage the TeX live installation, but it is not in sync
>> with the updated TeX Live repositories. Long story short: if you have
>> installed *both* Ubuntu's TeXLive *and* the official TeXLive
>> distribution (from www.tug.org/texlive ), you are in trouble. They
>> conflict with each other. You need to opt either for the official
>> TeXLive (more up to date, but need to be updated manually by you with
>> tlmgr) or Ubuntu's version (not so up to date, but managed
>> automatiaclly by the Ubuntu package manager).
> The tricky thing is that even if you want to go with the official TeX
> Live installation, Ubuntu will still try to install its own whenever
> you install a package that depends on LaTeX.
> My installation script for TeX Live 2013 handles all of that automatically:
> https://github.com/scottkosty/install-tl-ubuntu
> clone and run with
> sudo ./install-tl-ubuntu
> and you're done.

Great script! Thanks Scott.

My own solution to the constant fights between TeXLive and Ubuntu was
a bit own radical: I ditched Ubuntu and went for Archlinux.
Happy camper ever since....



Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies         Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA


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