"Jason F. Siegel" <siege...@umail.iu.edu> írta: >Hello all, > >I'm having some trouble getting my bibliography and in-line citations >formatted properly. For some reason, the bibliography is sorting in the >order the references are cited, rather than in alphabetical order. >Moreover, inline citations that should be Author (YEAR) are Author >(Title). I'm using biblatex 2.8 and biber 1.8, with natbib and plainnat >style on Ubuntu 13.10 with Lyx 2.1.0dev (the references don't even load >in 2.0.7 for some reason). > >In the same document, ERT with the ExPex package isn't formatting as >expected. I'm trying to get bold italics , but \bf gives me bold upright >characters and \textbf gives me one bold italicized character followed >by italics. I'm also trying to get small caps, but it's just plain >lowercase. Any thoughts or aid people can give would be most welcome. >I've attached an MWE.
Jason, I tried to open your MWE but it seems it is in lyx 2.1 format. I have only lyx 2.0 installed. Lyx 2.1 is still beta. For questions not specific to lyx 2.1 would be better to offer a stable lyx (lyx 2.0) compatible example file. This would increase you chance to get help. Regards, bcsikos