For some reason I don't understand, the index is now outputing. I attach a
new minimal example that exhibits the new behavior (the old minimal example
still doesn't work).

You'll note that there's an error message, "LyX's automatic index sorting
algorithm faced problems," etc., seemingly related to the use of the macron
over vowels.

However, if I click "OK," the index outputs anyway.

But I have to click "OK" on every error message, which makes viewing quite
a chore if I have to index a lot of macron-containing words (and I do).

On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 11:33 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller <> wrote:

> Richard Opheim wrote:
> > makeindex
> And does it work with other documents? If so, please check "LaTeX
> generation/execution" in the settings pane of View > Status Messages and
> post
> the output of that.
> Regards,
> Jürgen

Richard Opheim
Skype name: richard.opheim

Self-publishing Consultant
Editing---Layout---Musical Scores---Images---Ebooks


”Islamic Jihad doesn't fear our military or economic prowess, instead it is
Ronald McDonald that gives them the willies.”
Otsuka Duojinsha

Attachment: minex2.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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