Am Sonntag 07 April 2013, 10:27:25 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> I also put a macro in the preamble of the document
> %%macro for index nom
> \newcommand{\IndexDef}[1]{\textit{#1}}
> and in the document itself
> Kalanchoe|IndexDef
> where Kalanchoe is a plant name which should appear in the name index as
> italics.
> However, the page number appears italic, not the plant name. 

Yes, this is what this syntax is supposed to do.

> How should I change the command in the preamble to achieve that?

Normally, it should just work if you select the word and hit Alt+E, i.e. just 
emphasize it as usual. LyX should then output the following LaTeX code:


Please post a minimal example file if it doesn't.


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