Am Dienstag, 5. März 2013, 20:09:38 schrieb Georg Baum:
> Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> > Am Dienstag, 5. März 2013, 17:10:56 schrieb David L. Johnson:
> >> No, it gets the filename as an argument, and then generates the new
> >> version.  You can actually read that off of the file lyx2lyx itself,
> >> which is a script:   "usage: %prog [options] [file]".  Options are
> >> things like --verbose, --quiet, --debug.  Unless you specify an
> >> output by  the option "-o outputfilename" it will spit the output to
> >> stdout.
> >> 
> >> So, to process a file "oldfile.lyx" and get an updated version
> >> "newfile.lyx", enter on the command line:
> >> 
> >> /full/path/to/lyx2lyx -o newfile.lyx oldfile.lyx
> Caution: This converts to the latest version known by lyx2lyx. If you
> copy the 2.1 lyx2lyx into the 2.0 installation as suggested elsewhere
> (which works without further adjustments, and is probably the most easy
> way to deal with files in the new format), you always have to give the
> -t 413 arguments if you want to convert to 2.0.x format. Otherwise the
> command above would convert to format 464 (the current 2.1 format
> number).

Thanks, George, for this warning. My big mistake was to use the 2.1 svn 
version which an ignorant such as me should not do (though I must say I had 
not many problems with it, except occasional crashes which never lead to 
any loss of work).

> > By the way, is there any idea when the 2.1 version will be official?
> No. The development man power is very limited, and so far there is no
> release plan, although it seems to be consensus to stop with new
> features and concentrate on the release.

I am sorry that I can't help except perhaps with testing/writing the helps 
(the advantage would be, that I always manage to do the wrong things if the 
advices are not idiot-proof ...)


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