Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> Am Dienstag, 5. März 2013, 17:10:56 schrieb David L. Johnson:
>> No, it gets the filename as an argument, and then generates the new
>> version.  You can actually read that off of the file lyx2lyx itself,
>> which is a script:   "usage: %prog [options] [file]".  Options are
>> things like --verbose, --quiet, --debug.  Unless you specify an output
>> by  the option "-o outputfilename" it will spit the output to stdout.
>> So, to process a file "oldfile.lyx" and get an updated version
>> "newfile.lyx", enter on the command line:
>> /full/path/to/lyx2lyx -o newfile.lyx oldfile.lyx

Caution: This converts to the latest version known by lyx2lyx. If you copy 
the 2.1 lyx2lyx into the 2.0 installation as suggested elsewhere (which 
works without further adjustments, and is probably the most easy way to deal 
with files in the new format), you always have to give the -t 413 arguments 
if you want to convert to 2.0.x format. Otherwise the command above would 
convert to format 464 (the current 2.1 format number).

> By the way, is there any idea when the 2.1 version will be official?

No. The development man power is very limited, and so far there is no 
release plan, although it seems to be consensus to stop with new features 
and concentrate on the release.


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