On 2013-03-05, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 5. März 2013, 08:47:04 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
>> Am Dienstag 05 März 2013, 07:17:47 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
>> > former lyx 2.1.0svn created lyx files which lyx does not take

>> LyX 2.0 cannot read files made with LyX 2.1. How could it? The 2.1. file
>> format is constantly evolving. Only the very last release of the 2.0.x
>> series will be able to read 2.1 files, after the 2.1 file format has
>> been frozen.

>> So, as already explained by Georg, you need to open those files with
>> LyX2.1 once more and the export it to LyX 2.0.x from there.

>> Jürgen

> Thanks, Jürgen,

> yes, I could and did. However, I have quite a lot of lyx files created by 
> the 2.1 version and was hoping the lyx2lyx would already contain the 
> conversion 2.1 to 2.0, so that I could run a batch. But, if I understand 
> correctly, lyx2lyx works only in lyx export, not by itself. 

You can copy the lyx2lyx script (or directory of scripts) from the
development version (2.1) to the stable one. Then, 2.0 will be able to open
2.1 files with auto-conversion.

AFAIK, this is described somewhere in the wiki.


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