Le 18/12/12 10:14, Rainer M Krug a écrit :
Sounds like a great idea. One question: would having an external but faithful
XML Lyx file
allow XLS-translations to XML-based word-processing formats? That would solve
once and for all
(hopefully) the problem of the Lyx-->Word conversion that still plagues those
of us working in
the Humanities (At least, it still affects me).
Not only Humanities - I am working in the field of Ecology, and nearly all
co-authors use MS Word,
and most Journals hide their option of submitting LaTeX somewhere. So this
would be brilliant.
Don't be lured by the fact that XML presents itself as the solution to
all problems. I do not see how you could collaborate with co-authors
using word, unless your document is horribly simple.
Today, although LyX format has been designed to follow LaTeX concepts,
exchanging documents with latex users is not that simple. IMO sharing
with word is not really going to work.
What could maybe be possible is to export to word and from there repair
the file (or import and repair by hand).