Steve Litt <slitt <at>> writes:

> And the LaTeX part of it, lastparaL, is defined in the preamble part 
> of the layout, like this:
> \newenvironment{lastparaL}[0]{\begin{Standard}}
> {\end{Standard}\\[10ex]}
> When I try to pdflatex it, I get this error:
> LaTeX Error: Environment Standard undefined
> That surprises me, seeing as the vast majority of paragraphs in my 
> book look like this when Vimming my LyX file:
> \begin_layout Standard


There's a style named Standard that's <sorry, can't help it>standard</sorry> in
every LyX layout, but it does not map to a LaTeX environment named "Standard".
It's just LyX's way of saying that the enclosed text is not treated in any
special way.  Have a look at the definition of the Standard style in
layouts/  The LaTeX name given is "dummy", which is not used in
producing the .tex output file.  Also, if you View > Source with the cursor in a
Standard environment, you'll see nothing but the text in the TeX output.

Try \newenvironment{lastparaL}[0]{}{\\[10ex]} as your definition, and see if
that does what you want.


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