On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 8:17 AM, Richard Heck <rgh...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On 11/02/2011 11:46 PM, bsquared wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 5:52 PM, Richard Heck <rgh...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>> On 11/2/11 3:19 PM, bsquared wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have used lyx on other distos with no problems, but
>>>> I am having problems getting lyx configured on ArchLinux.
>>>> [snip]
>>>> This is redacted output:
>>>> [code]
>>>> LyX: reconfiguring user directory
>>>> checking for a Latex2e program...
>>>> +checking for "latex"...  yes
>>>> checking for a DVI postprocessing program...
>>>> +checking for "pplatex"...  no
>>>> checking for pLaTeX, the Japanese LaTeX...
>>>> +checking for "platex"...  yes
>>>> kpathsea: Running mktexfmt platex.fmt
>>>> Latex not usable (not LaTeX2e)
>>> This is the problem. LyX thinks you do not have LaTeX installed. I know we 
>>> have seen this before, but I do not remember what the problem was. Try 
>>> having a look at the config.log file and see why LyX is choking. You can 
>>> also post it here. Perhaps someone else will remember....
>> Thank you.
>> Are you referring to the the config.log created in the build process?
> The file I'd like to see is configure.log, which should be in your LyX
> user directory, by default $HOME/.lyx/. However....
>> If so I did not build.  I installed via pacman (ArchLinux package manager).
>> If not where would I find this log?
> we have seen this problem on Arch recently. Can you please run "python
> --version" and find out what version that is? The previously reported
> problems were due to this being Python 3.x, which is not backwards
> compatible (why not!?) and will not properly run the configure script.
> If that is the problem, you can find some sort of solution, I think, in
> this thread:
>    http://marc.info/?l=lyx-devel&m=131914585121454&w=2
> Richard

configure.log :

python --version
Python 3.2.2

I have 2.x installed also as python2.
python2 --version
Python 2.7.2

I tried the configure script like this "python2
/usr/share/lyx/configure.py", but that does not work either.

The link provided would possibly help if I were building LyX, but I
don't really want to jump through those hoiops right now.  I will
report this as a bug to ArchLinux LyX package maintainer.

Thanks for your help.

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