> maybe I'm a bit old fashioned (born in 1943 ;-). So I do not have
this terrible need to do everyzhing the fastest way possible.

I'm young (born in the 80's) and I confess I'm neurotic about automatization
(much over the normal). Sorry if I am too boring sometimes.
I enjoy to make the computer decide things for me, and I enjoy much more
when it make good decisions.
BTW, my reseach area is Artificial Intelligence, so how could I think
different? :-)

> ... and it needs someone interested and available to actually code the stuff.

I'm very interested. I have tons of ideas, but I still have problems to set
up a confortable environment to start to code.
Another problem is that I'm still trying to understand some pieces of code,
so it will take some time for me to really contribute with some new feature.

> Proposing a filename is not such an importing feature, IMHO.

I agree.
But this thread subject isn't is "list of most important features", it is
just a feature request.
Now if it is important or not, its really another question...

> What is left is to determine a consistent behaviour that works in most
cases for most users. The current behaviour ('newfile#.lyx') is obviously
and works flawlessly whatever the actual content of the document.

You're probably right. But actually, we really do not know what works in
most cases for most users. We just guess it works for most users.
IMO, this could be a good feature to implement: get statistics of LyX usage
directly from users as other softwares already do (anonymous usage).
Maybe, it is early to think in a thing like this, but it is good to start to
think for the near future (and for god's sake, do not reply me with messages
like "I don't think this is the most important feature right now"... I know
I know, it is not, ok? :-) ).

Diego Queiroz

2011/4/14 Liviu Andronic <landronim...@gmail.com>

> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 3:09 AM, Diego Queiroz <queiroz.di...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hellmut, this behavior is not a rule, right?
> > As a programmer I assure you: once things are correctly handled,
> everything
> > should be fine. Believe on me. :-)
> > And I repeat, it is just a guess for a name to the file, LyX won't impose
> > the filename.
> > An option to disable this feature is welcome (for those who dislikes).
> >
> The LyX coding 'philosophy' is to assist users but in an un-intrusive
> manner. To rephrase, we don't intend to provide each and every
> disturbingly-helpful feature that MS Word and the ilk provide.
> (Personally I find title / first line file name suggestions are
> useless for me and provide overhead, since I will always want to
> delete that text to provide a file name that confirms to "my" naming
> style. The current 'newfile#.lyx' is always helpful when creating
> dummy documents for the ML. I do appreciate, however, that others have
> different user habits.)
> To be clear, I don't think that LyX will ever care to provide such a
> trivial option in the Prefs. (I hope it won't!) What is left is to
> determine a consistent behaviour that works in most cases for most
> users. The current behaviour ('newfile#.lyx') is obviously consistent
> and works flawlessly whatever the actual content of the document. The
> behaviour you suggest would require coding a contrived hack, which
> would take \title if available, otherwise first line (to which some
> expressed strong aversion and which I also find disturbing), if
> suggestion contains funny chars or delimiters (such as \n \t and the
> like) strip them (considering utf-8, how do you determine what is
> legal and what is not?), perhaps other difficult to foresee cases
> (such as LyX documents containing only ERT).
> I know that you will disagree, but I don't think that most users and
> developers would approve of such a hack in LyX. And I don't know who
> would want to code _and_ maintain it. Regards
> Liviu
> > If a guess for the filename wasn't necessary, why LyX doesn't leave the
> file
> > field blank instead of "newfile"?
> > The answer is: because this feature improves the software usability.
> > Just as an stupid example, suppose I create 10 new files, type something
> in
> > all of them and hit "Save all".
> > With this feature, I will be able to determine a good name for each file
> > (based on the first sentence, or anything else) without navigate to each
> > document.
> > I bet I can't do the same if "newfile" or "Untitled" was the result.
> > IMO, we need to improve the functionality of LyX, and not block good
> ideas.
> > ---
> > Diego Queiroz
> >
> >
> >
> > 2011/4/9 Hellmut Weber <m...@hellmutweber.de>
> >>
> >>
> >> Am 08.04.2011 18:37, schrieb Inon Sharony:
> >> > Hey LyX developers!
> >> >
> >> > As in MS (boo!) Office, when saving a new file, whatever appears in
> the
> >> > \title section should automatically be guessed as the name that the
> file
> >> > should be saved as.
> >> >
> >> > Do you agree?
> >> >
> >> > Thanks,
> >> >
> >> Although you addressed the developpers I would like to contribute my
> >> 0.02$ as a user.
> >>
> >> Please do not copy the idiocy of M$ Word to create file names using the
> >> title or (much worse) the first phrase. This leads in many casesto
> >> strings which contain blanks or even strnage utf-8 characters.
> >> Even some windows s<ystems do substitute someof these 'strange'
> >> characters then by '?' or '_'.
> >>
> >>
> >> Best regards
> >>
> >> Hellmut
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Dr. Hellmut Weber         m...@hellmutweber.de
> >> Degenfeldstraße 2         tel   +49-89-3081172
> >> D-80803 München-Schwabing mobil +49-172-8450321
> >> please: No DOCs, no PPTs. why: tinyurl.com/cbgq
> >
> >
> --
> Do you know how to read?
> http://www.alienetworks.com/srtest.cfm
> http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/applications/xfce4-dict#speed-reader
> Do you know how to write?
> http://garbl.home.comcast.net/~garbl/stylemanual/e.htm#e-mail

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