On 2011-04-13, Diego Queiroz wrote:

> Just as an stupid example, suppose I create 10 new files, type something in
> all of them and hit "Save all".
> With this feature, I will be able to determine a good name for each file
> (based on the first sentence, or anything else) without navigate to each
> document.
> I bet I can't do the same if "newfile" or "Untitled" was the result.

You loose. LyX adds a number.

And for me, a bunch fo newfile<n>.lyx is easier to recognize as
"wanting a proper filename" or "needs to be removed" than any other
"wild" guess.

> IMO, we need to improve the functionality of LyX, and not block good ideas.

But we need to avoid "featuritis" and sort the good from the not so
good ideas. If not for complete rejection, so at least to priorize on
what is important. Feel free to file an enhancement request at track
with a link to the thread.


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