Am 30.08.2010 03:01, schrieb Hal Kierstead:
Here are five small files.
1. Example.tex---from collaborator.
2. Example.lyx---my LyX import
3. ExampleCopy.lyx---my copy before exporting
4. ExampleCopy.tex---Export to collaborator. My tex editor has changed the
accents, but I do not care because I use tex.
5. ExampleCopy.pdf---what I see when I typeset (4) is correct.
My collaborator can typeset (4) correctly, as can I (see(5)), but cannot make
sense of the tex file when he tries to edit it, because his editor interprets
the symbols differently (actually differently from mine).
(4) has the default encoding (in your case "CP-1252"). So he only needs
to load the TeX-file with the encoding CP-1252 in his editor.
For example my editor named "jedit" loads all files by default in
encoding "utf-8" (Unicode), but when I reload (4) with CP-1252, it works
fine and will also be saved in the correct encoding.
Btw. I told you not to send TeX-files as direct email attachment because
this often destroys the encoding. (4) appears here encoded in CP-1252.
Saving (4) from the mail to e.g. a MAC will probably result in a
different encoding (depends on the mail program settings).
regards Uwe