"[Ricardo Rodriguez] eBioTIC." <ricardo.rodrig...@ebiotic.net> writes: > *3.* If I try to compile a new document including S/R expressions, > compilation fails throwing the following error: > > ! LaTeX Error: File `Sweave.sty' not found. > > Here the full stack to further reference: > > http://xen.net/onLyX/lyxSweaveStyNotFound.html > Please, provided its module is loaded, must Sweave work out of the box > in LyX 2.0? Is it expected that Sweave.sty is included with LaTeX? I > guess a warning will be required some where to avoid the problem we > are facing here! Thanks!
It is expected (by me at least) that either: 1/ the installation of R installs Sweave.sty at the right place (was MaxTeX already installed when you installed R?) or 2/ Sweave is set up in such a way that it puts the full path to the Sweave.sty file in the \usepackage command. If neither of those two conditions are fulfilled, I think this is a bug in the way R installs itself... JMarc