Hi Rob!
Rob Oakes wrote:
Hi Ricardo,
Just one thought, make sure that there is a copy of Sweave.sty installed
in your LaTeX path (and make sure that LyX can find it). I was having
some troubles with Sweave and LyX 2.0 on Mac a while ago, and this is
what ultimately fixed it.
Nope, it is not! In fact Sweave.sty is no where in the path. It seems it
looks for R! R was not installed in this box! Shame on me! Once
installed, LyX 2.0 no longer crashes while loading Sweave module.
Thanks for your help!
But, to be honest, I haven't really played with LyX 2.0 on my Mac
recently. I've been on a book deadline and it just felt to unstable to
any real work. On Linux, though, it's been very reliable.
I will keep an eye on new releases and maintain this experimental
installation on the MacPro running Mac OS X 10.6.3 and at the same time
keep running a stable a 1.6.5 release in a 10.5.8 MacBook Pro. I have
not two available boxes with the same SO. Please, let me know if I can
be of any further help to debug this or any other issue. Thanks!
Ricardo RodrÃguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems