
Jean-Marc LASGOUTTES wrote:
Rob Oakes <lyx-de...@oak-tree.us> writes:
Just one thought, make sure that there is a copy of Sweave.sty installed
in your LaTeX path (and make sure that LyX can find it).  I was having
some troubles with Sweave and LyX 2.0 on Mac a while ago, and this is
what ultimately fixed it.

Are you sure? It should not be necessary on 2.0. What is needed though
is to have R installed and available in the path. The module tests the
availability of a Rnw>tex converter (aka R CMD Sweave).

Sorry, I replied to Rob's message before reading this one! That's what I've found here: Sweave.sty as is is not longer in the path and LyX looks for R libraries instead. Is it ok this interpretation? Thanks!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems

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