Rich Shepard wrote:
On Mon, 1 Mar 2010, Helge Hafting wrote:
I have the two pages printed separate from the rest of the document. Since I cannot post them to the mail list (and don't want them public on the 'Net) I'll send them privately to you. If you have any ideas on how to put the two
on the same page, I'd greatly appreciate learning of them.

I have sent a reply to the private mail. I just remembered another
way, that always works.

Simply put both figures inside the same float. And have two
captions too, of course. The second caption is created
by copy-pasting the first. A float never breaks up, so this
guarantees that both figures appear under each other.
(I use this trick when I want two narrow figures
side-by-side.) You will still get two captions. Put reference
labels inside the captions (not merely inside the float), that way
youy can cross-reference each caption individually.

This trick looses some flexibility though. Later changes to
the document may affect the page breaking.
(Half page of text added/removed before
the part with figures, or a change in page size/margins.)

Having the figures on top of separate pages might then be better,
getting the figures closer to the text referencing them. But
that can't happen if you stuck both inside the same float.

Tweaking settings like \topfraction and \textfraction and
so on is probably best, as the flexibility to move the
figures independently is retained. But if you are sure you want
both figures on top of each other, stick them in the same float.

If your version of LyX won't allow two captions in the
same float, use one minipage for each figure. This extra
step isn't necessary for lyx 1.6.5 though, unless
one wants the figures side-by-side.

Helge Hafting

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