Graham M Smith wrote:
To answer your margin question, I wonder how you changed the margins?
In all of the beamer examples I find, the margin options are grayed
out and I can't change them.
After changing to Beamer(article) class. I used the Document
Settings|Page Margins tab I unticked the default and changed the margin
sizes. I was hoping that Lyx would "magically" remember this was just
the default for the Beamer (article) bit, but it also took this as the
default for the Beamer class and refused to compile
I'm with my namesake on this one. In LyX 1.6.3, if I start a document
and make it article (beamer), or switch an existing file to article
(beamer), both page size and margins are grayed out and I'm stuck with
class defaults.
The article (beamer) layout file loads the presentation (beamer) layout,
so it's possible something in the latter blocks changes to paper size
and margin (sensible since Beamer is designed specifically to produce
128mm x 96mm slides), and that something may also be blocking
margin/size changes in article (beamer) mode. I can't see anything in
the layout file that would be the culprit, though. I'll see if I can
track this down as time permits. I'm not sure that helps Graham,
though, since he seems to be able to change the margins (?? -- I didn't
understand what was going on there, since I cannot reproduce it here).