lI thank you for bringing the beamer(article) to my attention. That is
very handy for me as well. I can see that if I insert some branches,
then I can really customize which material is included in the article
output. Nice!
Yes, its a superb capability, I was also hoping to use the branches
feature as I give similar lectures to different courses and the
branches feature would allow me to quickly customise the content.
To answer your margin question, I wonder how you changed the margins?
In all of the beamer examples I find, the margin options are grayed
out and I can't change them.
After changing to Beamer(article) class. I used the Document
Settings|Page Margins tab I unticked the default and changed the margin
sizes. I was hoping that Lyx would "magically" remember this was just
the default for the Beamer (article) bit, but it also took this as the
default for the Beamer class and refused to compile
That means we need to make the change either in the preamble or in the
lyx layout or latex style file. Blech. I started to think "there has
to be a better way" and this way seems to do it.
\oddsidemargin 0.0in
\textwidth 6.0in
%%testing: does following have any effect?
%%\evensidemargin 0.0in
Yes, this was my next step, but was hoping to avoid commenting code in
and out in the preamble, but its not really a problem.
I continue to be amazed at how brilliantly useful Lyx/Latex is :-)