That's ok, I understood what you meant -- just not why you did it. I
don't use article (Beamer), but my impression is that it's purpose is
to facilitate turning a slideshow into a paper (either after the fact
or in parallel development). I don't think it's really intended to
reproduce slides in slide-like form (although I could be wrong), and
in any case it seems to be overkill for handouts (unless maybe you
mean to annotate the handouts a fair bit).
Ah, but we have a fundamental misunderstanding. The reason I started
using Beamer was the very fact that I could prepare slides and lecture
notes (article) in parallel. I don't want a print out of the slides in
a slide-like form. I use the slide content as an outline for my
lecture, but expand on this (with more text than you would want to put
on the slides), and additional diagrams, examples, reference list etc as
a class hand out. So students get properly written (and illustrated)
hand outs, for my lectures.
In fact it was this capability that brought me to latex/beamer in the
first place after a plea on various forums for any ideas on how I could
keep my handouts and presentations in sync so I didn't have to try and
keep two documents (Powerpoint and Word) up to date and in sync. But
Beamer became available in Lyx before I managed to develop any real
expertise in Latex, even though I had started to rewrite all my lecture
material in Latex
I have put up with the wide margins up to now, but it seems a waste of
paper, and it would be useful to allow diagrams and graphs to expand
across the full page width.
Am I in the wrong place? A simple handout option would be nice. This
is 1.6.2 on Ubuntu 9.04
In this case, just type the word 'handout' (no quotes) in the "Custom"
field and then View->PDF (pdflatex). What you get is a bunch of
slides, one per page, same margins as the original.
Ahh, now that is still useful, as I still produce a single copy like
this for myself (as a guide for my lecture), but do it by commenting in
and out the following lines in the preamble (lifted from one of my
original Latex presentations)
%\pgfpagesuselayout{4 on 1}[a4paper,border shrink=2mm]
%\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black!1}
%\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]
Now that we aren't talking at cross purposes :-), have you any
suggestions on my original question.
I could of course add a line for the margins in the preamble that I
comment out and in depending on the output, but I was hoping for
something a bit more automated than that.