Helge Hafting <helge.haft...@...> writes:

> Or in the case of a serious cooperation setup - use the same config file 
> as the guy who has the full lyx setup and does the printing.

That's smart.

LyghtLyX (got the word-pun?) should know that with that document, he is working 
on a project, for which he relies on the config supplied by a file and related 
to another machine - config problems are entirely THAT machine's problem. He 
doesn't care. If he can't give a visualization of a image or external material 
etc. he simply put this message in a in-text-box "I can't show you this image".
He should be self-conscious of his different nature (that's the reason I used 
HE and not IT...).
I read many opinions, and, although we need more, I made my mind that this LyX 
version should taken in serious consideration by main developers, and we need 
to know how much work should this require. As a non-programmer I have no idea, 
but I guess it's less complicated than work on some rtf converters (which, btw, 
I strongly encourage, of course), the most complicated thing could be re-design 
the way LyX approach a document: now it should approach a PROJECT, and, even if 
I have NO experience nor any knoledge with project-management-software, I guess 
could be a interesting advance with respect to LaTeX or other scientific 
Anyway, hope that with last suggestion I contributed to move back the 
discussion to original problem: collaboration. 

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