> Hi all,
> I have a 300 page book written in MS Word version 97, and I have to convert 
> it 
> to LyX in order to make the second edition.
> I'll accept all condolences now :-)
> Believe it or not, the MS Word version was written very much what you guys 
> would call WYSIWYM. I had styles for everything -- almost no appearance was 
> fine tuned. Obviously it's essential that all those styles transfer over into 
> the LyX version.
> I'll accept all condolences now :-)

you have my condolences :)

> So heres what my plan, unless someone else has a better idea.

this will be ugly hack, but it maybe useful to you - what about to do 
a few word macros which simply put on the begining of section something like
\begin_layout Section
and \end_section of the of the section environemnt (or style or how its called 
in word).

this way you can cover the few environments you use in word and then
you could try to export it as a plain text, add header by vim and
then try to open it in lyx.

or instead of puting \begin_layout Section you can put there some arbitrary 
which you will lately find and replace by appropriate layouts in vim in 
imported lyx file.

of course this is usable only when you are bit acquainted with lyx
file format...

hth, pavel

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