On 1-May-08, at 7:42 AM, Neal Becker wrote:
I pointed one of my colleagues to lyx. She showed me winedt, which
uses. I'm not sure what advantages one has over the other. Any
info on
this topic?
I suspect that the reaction you will get from virtually everyone on
this list is that LyX is far superior to WinEdt or other fanciful text
editors for LaTeX. When you are talking about a text editor, you will
find that each person has his/her own favorite (my personal favorite
is Emacs). All of these have plugins/macros to help make LaTeX
editing simpler. However, all such editors require a familiarity with
LaTeX far beyond what LyX requires.
For the vast majority of common documents that one would need to
prepare in LaTeX, LyX is a much better choice than simple text editors
like WinEdt because it actually doesn't expose the bowels of LaTeX to
the user. But it has the distinct advantage over WYSIWYG word
processing packages that it harnesses the power of LaTeX underneath.