I use both, although now that I have mostly switched to Mac I don't use WinEdt much anymore. LyX is definitely more user friendly for most users new to TeX and LaTeX. LyX has built in tools for tables and labelling as well as equations and so on that aren't really present in WinEdt since you are working with native LaTeX code. Also, with LyX you get to see what your document looks like without compiling and it is a bit easier to read since LaTeX tags aren't visible in LyX.

For most things I prefer LyX now compared to LaTeX editors, such as WinEdt, TeXShop (Mac), and Kile (Linux). That said, however, there are times where I find it easier to use a LaTeX editor if I have special formatting challenges. For example, when setting exams, I like to have different sections to the exam and then have the question numbering in each section carry on from the numbering in the previous section. This is very difficult to do in LyX, but in LaTeX it is as simple as \setcounter{enumi}{<insert number here>}. Overall, if I am really concerned about document structure and layout, then I often revert to a LaTeX editor. But if I want to simply write something (such as lecture notes or assignments), LyX is my preferred option.


Neil Hepburn, Economics Instructor
Department of Social Sciences, Augustana Faculty
University of Alberta
4901-46 Avenue
Camrose, Alberta  T4V 2R3

Phone (780) 679-1588

On 1-May-08, at 7:42 AM, Neal Becker wrote:

I pointed one of my colleagues to lyx. She showed me winedt, which she uses. I'm not sure what advantages one has over the other. Any info on
this topic?

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