On Thursday 01 May 2008 09:42, Neal Becker wrote:
> I pointed one of my colleagues to lyx.  She showed me winedt, which she
> uses.  I'm not sure what advantages one has over the other.  Any info on
> this topic?

First, winedt is a Windows only product. If your collegue is absolutely, 
positively certain she'll never use Linux or MacOS, even if Microsoft's next 
OS is even crummier than Vista, then that's not a problem.

The other thing is winedt and LyX are totally different animals. winedt is a 
text editor with which you code LaTeX. It has macros and buttons to make tag 
creation easier, and syntax coloring to make tag detection easier, but it's a 
text editor showing all the tags.

LyX is a much more WYSIWYG product (yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to 
it). Unless you use ERT, there are no tags in the LyX authoring environment. 
For me, not having to mess with tags is essential to pounding out 2000 words 
per day.


Steve Litt
Books written in LyX:
        Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
        Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting
        Troubleshooting: Just the Facts

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