On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 08:21:36AM +0100, Max wrote:
> On 2008-03-13 00:34:13 +0100, Frode Svindseth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Another thing I generally don't like about usenet oder mailing lists is the 
> use of real names. Not that I would ever have written anything embarrasing 
> in this group, but hey, you never know how you will look at things in a few 
> years. And with search engines like http://123people.com/ coming up, 
> privacy on the internet will become an even more important topic than it is 
> today. (Having said that, I must admit to also be a GMail user... so 
> where's privacy now...?)


Apart from that nobody will chastize you if you chose a 'nick name'
that looks like a real name.


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