Oh, please.  The suspense is killing me.  Did Steve succeed in
building the LyX he wants?

If not, lets help him do it.  The troubles that were posted early on
were common errors in configure/make stages of building software.

My recollection is that Mandriva is an RPM based system that branched
out of Mandrake, which began as a simple re-packaging of RedHat linux
with "optimized" packages for i586 and i686. I see nothing in their
pages to make me think I'm wrong.   Ignore the complaining about the
build system, lets just find out what Mandriva has, and if it doesn't
have the right thing, lets build RPMS for those things too.  Hell, we
could even build a new gcc if we have to.

I am confident I can build LyX if the devel package for QT4 is
installed and the devel package for QT3 is not installed.  I believe
getting this to work will probably require some environment settings
for QT related things and I notice the settings that QT4 looks for are
different than the ones that QT3 looks for.

I am confident I can do this because I built LyX for Scientific Linux
5 a few weeks ago, and that is an old distribution (compared to Fedora
9, anyway).  The "new" Scientific Linux is built on Fedora from about
18 months ago.

I'm willing to prove myself wrong:

If anybody has a Mandriva system of the right vintage, create an
account for me that has ssh privileges and email me a password.  I can
build RPMS, and then make them available for everybody.  The owner may
need to install some devel tools, but when I'm done, that account
where I'll build everything can be erased and no lasting damage will
be done.


Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
University of Kansas

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