> I have been using LyX on windows XP since a while now and i am trying
> to move to Linux. I have not tried to install LyX on Linux yet (I am
> sorry but i already know that it won't be easy, I already tried once
> with no success) but my question is different now.

On ubuntu it should be as easy as typing
$ apt-get install lyx
on the command line, or selecting lyx in synaptic and pressing apply button.
(assuming that you are connected to the internet)

> When I view my old documents (i.e. the pdf files generated by LyX on
> Windows) on Linux (Ubuntu 7.04) the quality is very bad. I guess this
> is related to the installed fonts. 

can you be a little bit more specific? What exactly is bad?
1) bitmap fonts, as explained in http://wiki.lyx.org/FAQ/PDF#toc5
2) you use some special fonts that are not embedded in the final pdf. 

> maybe once I install LyX I will get 
> it working as expected? please let me know if you have any
> suggestion...

Pdf's, by definition, should not depend on any LyX files. 
Check http://wiki.lyx.org/FAQ/PDF and if you do not find a solution send a 
minimal example of your pdf.


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