Helge Hafting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Martin Geisler wrote:
>>Do you really mean that Microsoft decided on a default install path
>>with spaces just to annoy all the future Unix-centric programs being
>>ported to Windows?
> That is hard to know - I guess they simply see this as a 'bonus',
> they probably weren't smart enough to pull this one of
> deliberately. :-/

Hehe :-)

> Sure - a space path is normal on windows, and LyX tries to cope with
> those too.  I think LyX do this quite well, but LyX does not work
> alone.  It depend on many other programs to do its work - most
> notably latex. [...]

You're of course completely right -- I didn't write my post carefully

What I wanted to argue against was the idea that just because there is
an obvious work-around for the case with spaces in pathnames, it is
not okay for BibTeX/LaTeX/whoever to rely on it when running under

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