----- Original Message -----
From: "Georg Baum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Cc: <lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: sixth release of LyXWinInstaller
Martin Geisler wrote:
So please don't dismiss this as a WONTFIX bug... lots of people wont
have a Linux-savy boyfriend to help them out with these things :-)
Again: The problem is with bibtex, not with LyX. We can work around it
in LyX (and I'll do so probably sometimes), see
"This is a BibTeX limitation. The solution is to copy the .bst files to the
temp dir before running LaTeX, as is done for .bib files, graphics etc."
Meanwhile you have to live with the limitations and organize your .bst
like Herbert suggested.
The documentation about this on the LyX Wiki is not nearly as
pointed, as for instance, the instruction that Aspell is a special
case and one is required to install Aspell to C:\Aspell
I once tried to install flpsed, a ghostscript-like annotator ported to
Windows in place of gsview. It failed until I read Dan Luecking's
advice below and I changed my temp dir under LyX preferences
from the default to C:\LyX\Resources\lyx\temp (and also work). It
was a path with spaces problem which wasn't related to LaTex. Dan's
advice may be a bit of overkill but I thought to include it so that it
enters LyX archives for possible future reference.
Dan Luecking wrote:
"Install TeX under C:\TeX instead "of C:\Program Files". For each
user, create a TEMP environmental variable pointing to a directory
without spaces in its name. For good measure, give each user a
working directory without spaces in the pathname and create the
variable HOME to point to it. Finally, when a program shortcut is
added, configure it to start in the user's home directory.
Having done all this since I started working with windows, I have
almost never had a program fail due to failure to find its files."
Regards, Stephen