Hello LyXers,

I'm proud to announce the new version 0.5 of the LyX installer for Windows.

You can download it from

The sources are at

For general informations about the installer I refer to

The installer installs now a prerelease of LyX 1.3.7 to let you benefit from some bugfixes and a new hungarian translation of LyX's menus. The installer variant "network" has now an option to use LyX without LaTeX and Instant preview is supported beginning with this release.

This is the complete changelog:

Version 0.5

- update to a prerelease of LyX 1.3.7 which includes the following
  changes compared to LyX 1.3.6:


- support for Instant preview
- new option "Don't use LaTeX" in the Network variant of the installer
- updated french translation of the installer
  (thanks to Jean-Pierre Chrétien)
- new turkish translation of the installer (thanks to Gürer Özen)
- new hungarian translation of the installer (thanks to Szõke Sándor)
- new slovak translation of the installer (thanks to Gisela Stöhr)
- updated Qt/Win Free library
- updated lyx2lyx scripts
- "Courier New" instead of "Courier" is now the default screen font for
- fix bug when checking for LaTeX-distributions
- fix wrong path when Ghostscript is installed together with this
- fixed previous/next upate on missing programs page
  (thanks to Jörg Zastrau)
- LyX shows now the correct menu language when it is opened by
  double-clicking on a .lyx-file

I hope that you don't encounter big problems. Please
read the actual Readme files first before you use the installer.
Every annotation is welcome.

best regards

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