----- Original Message ----- From: "Bo Peng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Uwe Stöhr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "LyX-Users" <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: [announce] fifth release of the LyXWinInstaller

Does the new version 0.51 work when you install it to the default
'program files\lyx'? I overwrite now all files that might be in this folder.

Here is what I am doing:

Question: Will there be compatibility problem with the embedded aspell
and the online dictionary (may have newer version)?

SH: I don't think so. There is a new Aspell 6.0 available for Windows
and I'm pretty sure that it will work with the 0.5.3 dictionary since
those dicts are mainly text files and an upgrade essentially means adding
new words. I don't see the advantage of including the Aspell executable in the Lyx download if you still have to visit another website to get a dictionary.

3. lyx starts fine. (Again different from yesterday, so problem
solved)  view pdf of welcome to lyx goes fine. Spell checking is OK.

SH: Installing LyX to c:\LyX worked fine with 1.3.6. Starting with
1.3.7, installing to c:\lyx would produce an error message at the
end of the install about textclass.lst and failed. Finding a workaround
is not the same as "problem solved".

Installing to c:\program files\lyx has worked with 1.3.6 and 1.3.7pre
That doesn't seem fixed to me, if the option to install to an alternate
directory (C:\LyX) does not work; then c:\program files\lyx should
be automatic and no dir choice should ever grace the install screens.

Why give a user a chance to change the default dir when that function
doesn't work, creating the opportunity for an install which must fail?
However, the network install of 1.3.7pre4 to C:\LyX does work.


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