> I'm getting the same error message. When I started lyx with -dbg
> graphics I got:
> PreviewLoader::startLoading()
> Could not fork: Exec format error
> PreviewLoader::startLoading()
> Unable to start process
> Is there a remedy for this?

There are two parts to this problem.
1. Why is the InstantPreview code being called at all? I don't know the
answer to that one. Could you check whether the "Instant preview" check
button is active in the "Look and Feel->Graphics" pane of the
"Edit->Preferences" dialog.

2. Given that it *is* being invoked, can you do anything about the error
message. Here the answer is a definite Yes. Windows is complaining that it
doesn't know how to execute a file "lyxpreview2ppm.py" because it's
totally brain dead.

Here's the code used to create the command that is to be launched as the
child process:

        ostringstream cs;
        cs << pconverter_->command << ' ' << latexfile << ' '
           << int(font_scaling_factor_) << ' ' << pconverter_->to;

        string const command = LibScriptSearch(STRCONV(cs.str()));

And here is how your conversion from "lyxpreview" format to "ppm" format is
defined in the plain text lyxrc.defaults file that you'll find in the 
$PREFIX/share/lyx directory, where the LyX executable itself is found at

        \converter lyxpreview ppm "lyxpreview2ppm.py" ""

Putting these two things together you'll end up with a string that is
passed to fork():

        <full path to>/lyxpreview2ppm.py 0lyxpreview.tex 128 ppm

The simple, if ugly solution is to open up your Edit->Preferences dialog,
select the Converters pane, select the LyX preview -> PPM converter and
change its definition to

        python <full path to>/lyxpreview2ppm.py

In LyX 1.3.6 you'll find the definition will be

        python $$s/lyxpreview2ppm.py

where the $$s is a placeholder telling LyX to look in its scripts directory
for this file. Won't work with the version you've got.

Note to all Windows users. I suspect that anything that invokes a script
and hopes that Windows will work out what to do with it will suffer from
similar problems.


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