Thanks for your quick response!
Unfortunately, it didn't help. The preview box is checked. The converter ist properly listed in the default file. However, since I'm not very familiar with Lyx/Latex and programming in general, it seems that I gave you only part of the full error message.

Could not fork: Exec format error
Unable to start process
C:\Programme\Office\Lyx\bin\lyxpreview2ppm.py C:/Data/Script/6lyxpreview.tex 129 ppm

Could it be that the Windows vs. Unix convention of writing paths is the problem? I tried to execute the command manually in a shell and it didn't give me an error message with only Windows backslashes.

See some of the posts earlier in this thread for some information.

The immediate problem is probably the fact that lyxpreview2ppm.py is not installed in the bin directory; it's in the ...Lyx\share\lyx\scripts directory. Here is a list of things to do (if you have not already done them), assuming that you want to get instant preview to work:

1. Delete or rename the python.exe file installed in LyX\bin. Download and install the full version of Python (http://www.python.org/download/download_windows.html). Instant preview won't work with the version of python that comes with the Windows port of LyX 1.3.5.

2. In LyX, change Edit | Preferences | Converters | LyX preview->PPM to read

python /Programme/Office/Lyx/share/lyx/scripts/lyxpreview2ppm.py

(verify that the path does in fact lead to the .py file), click Modify and then Save.

3. Unless something has changed in the latest version, you will need to have the netpbm package and Ghostscript installed for preview to work. There should be details on the LyX Wiki.

4. The line you quoted above indicates that LyX was looking for a temporary file in C:/Data/Script/. If that is the directory you specified as your temporary directory (in Edit | Preferences | Paths), that's fine. If not, something else is broken.

Note that LyX is highly usable without instant preview (I typically turn it off), so you may prefer just to uncheck it and do without.

-- Paul

Paul A. Rubin Phone: (517) 432-3509
Department of Management Fax: (517) 432-1111
The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michigan State University http://www.msu.edu/~rubin/
East Lansing, MI 48824-1122 (USA)
Mathematicians are like Frenchmen: whenever you say something to them,
they translate it into their own language, and at once it is something
entirely different. J. W. v. GOETHE

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