I cannot now view .pdf images in 1.3.5 under windoze I'm seeing a convertDefault.sh Error The script cannot find the ppm file in the temp dir

any ideas?


I believe that the solution for you is to remove all of the diagnostics at
the end of convertDefault.sh. Ie, just cut out this:

# It appears that convert succeeded, but we know better than to trust
it ;-)
# convert is passed strings in the form "FMT:FILENAME", so use the ':' to
# delimit the two parts.
# Note that Win32 filenames have the form 'C:\my\file',
# so use everything from the first ':' to the end of the line.
FILE=`echo "$2" | cut -d ':' -f 2-`

test -f "$FILE" || {
        echo "$0 ERROR"
        echo "Unable to find file \"${FILE}\""
        exit 1

echo "$0 generated file \"${FILE}\" successfully."

That does the job


Rob S


R D Saunders Hydraulic Research Group Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Southampton UK

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