On Wed, 30 Jun 2004, Helge Hafting wrote:

> \thispagestyle sets the style for this page only, it might not do anything
> for the next page. Its intended use is when you occationally need a
> single page with a different style.


  While I understood this I didn't know what to use for multiple pages.
Forcing \pagestyle{empty} does the trick.

> \pagestyle sets the style to be used for pages from now on and until
> the next style command.

  Got it, thank you.

> Note that several other commands affect the pagestyle.  For any book-like
> document, expect any chapter start (including special chapters
> like preface and TOC) to use some special "first page of chapter" style
> on the first page, and then reset the pagestyle to "normal" after the
> initial page.  This is why preface and TOC brought the numbering back.

  The ToC pagination was fine; it was the Preface that caused problems.

> You can deal with this in several ways:
> * redefine the normal pagestyle to something not include numbers
> * repeat styling commands after each "chapter" start.
> * \thispagestyle on _every_ page

  Or, in my case, use the empty page style between the title and ToC and
headings the page style for the rest of the book.

Many thanks,


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

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