My publisher's preferred format is to have the preface before the Table of Contents, but the ToC should be paginated starting with 'i' (1 in Roman numerals). Immediately before the ToC I have an ERT box with \pagenumbering{roman} \setcounter{page}{1} but, the second page of the Preface is marked "II", the third page is marked "i" and the second page of the ToC is marked "iv". How do I control this? That is, how can I turn off all page numbering prior to the ToC and then have that begin with "i" rather than "iii"?
I've looked on the Tips & Tricks page for paragraph numbering and it seems that \thispagestyle{empty} should work when placed after the title, "Preface". But, it's not working for me. What have I missed? Thanks, Rich -- Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM) <>